001    package com.mockrunner.jms;
003    import java.util.Iterator;
004    import java.util.List;
006    import javax.jms.JMSException;
007    import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;
008    import javax.jms.MessageListener;
009    import javax.jms.Queue;
010    import javax.jms.Session;
011    import javax.jms.Topic;
013    import com.mockrunner.base.NestedApplicationException;
014    import com.mockrunner.base.VerifyFailedException;
015    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.JMSMockObjectFactory;
016    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockConnection;
017    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockMessage;
018    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockMessageConsumer;
019    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockMessageProducer;
020    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockQueue;
021    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockQueueBrowser;
022    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockQueueConnection;
023    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockQueueConnectionFactory;
024    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockQueueReceiver;
025    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockQueueSender;
026    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockQueueSession;
027    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockSession;
028    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockTemporaryQueue;
029    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockTemporaryTopic;
030    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockTopic;
031    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockTopicConnection;
032    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockTopicConnectionFactory;
033    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockTopicPublisher;
034    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockTopicSession;
035    import com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockTopicSubscriber;
037    /**
038     * Module for JMS tests.
039     * Note that all indices are zero based.<br>
040     * Note for JMS 1.1:
041     * If you use {@link MockQueueConnectionFactory} for creating your
042     * connections and sessions, you have to use the methods with <code>Queue</code>
043     * in their name. Same with {@link MockTopicConnectionFactory}.
044     * The methods without <code>Queue</code> and <code>Topic</code>
045     * in the method name are for connections and sessions that were
046     * created using the {@link com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockConnectionFactory}.
047     * {@link com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockConnectionFactory}
048     * also implements the <code>QueueConnectionFactory</code> and
049     * <code>TopicConnectionFactory</code> interfaces and can be used to create 
050     * queue and topic connections as well as generic JMS 1.1 connections. 
051     * It is recommended to use {@link com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockQueueConnectionFactory}
052     * if you only use queues and  {@link com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockTopicConnectionFactory}
053     * if you only use topics and are not interested in having one factory for both.
054     * It is possible to create a {@link MockQueueConnection} or a {@link MockTopicConnection}
055     * using the {@link com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockConnectionFactory}.
056     * However, the <code>Queue</code> methods (e.g. {@link #verifyAllQueueReceiversClosed})
057     * only work, if you use {@link MockQueueConnectionFactory} and the 
058     * <code>Topic</code> methods (e.g. {@link #verifyCreatedTopicMapMessageNotAcknowledged})
059     * only work, if you use {@link MockTopicConnectionFactory}.
060     */
061    public class JMSTestModule
062    {
063        private JMSMockObjectFactory mockFactory;
064        private int currentQueueConnectionIndex;
065        private int currentTopicConnectionIndex;
066        private int currentConnectionIndex;
068        public JMSTestModule(JMSMockObjectFactory mockFactory)
069        {
070            this.mockFactory = mockFactory;
071            currentQueueConnectionIndex = -1;
072            currentTopicConnectionIndex = -1;
073            currentConnectionIndex = -1;
074        }
076        /**
077         * Sets the index of the {@link MockQueueConnection} that should be used
078         * for the current test. Per default the latest created connection
079         * is used.
080         * @param connectionIndex the index of the connection
081         */
082        public void setCurrentQueueConnectionIndex(int connectionIndex)
083        {
084            this.currentQueueConnectionIndex = connectionIndex;
085        }
087        /**
088         * Returns the current {@link MockQueueConnection} based on its
089         * index or <code>null</code> if no queue connection
090         * was created. The connection has to be created using the
091         * {@link MockQueueConnectionFactory}.
092         * @return the queue connection
093         */
094        public MockQueueConnection getCurrentQueueConnection()
095        {
096            if(0 > currentQueueConnectionIndex)
097            { 
098                return mockFactory.getMockQueueConnectionFactory().getLatestQueueConnection();
099            }
100            return mockFactory.getMockQueueConnectionFactory().getQueueConnection(currentQueueConnectionIndex);
101        }
103        /**
104         * Sets the index of the {@link MockTopicConnection} that should be used
105         * for the current test. Per default the latest created connection
106         * is used. 
107         * @param connectionIndex the index of the connection
108         */
109        public void setCurrentTopicConnectionIndex(int connectionIndex)
110        {
111            this.currentTopicConnectionIndex = connectionIndex;
112        }
114        /**
115         * Returns the current {@link MockTopicConnection} based on its
116         * index or <code>null</code> if no topic connection
117         * was created. The connection has to be created using the
118         * {@link MockTopicConnectionFactory}.
119         * @return the topic connection
120         */
121        public MockTopicConnection getCurrentTopicConnection()
122        {
123            if(0 > currentTopicConnectionIndex)
124            { 
125                return mockFactory.getMockTopicConnectionFactory().getLatestTopicConnection();
126            }
127            return mockFactory.getMockTopicConnectionFactory().getTopicConnection(currentTopicConnectionIndex);
128        }
130        /**
131         * Sets the index of the {@link MockConnection} that should be used
132         * for the current test. Per default the latest created connection
133         * is used.
134         * @param connectionIndex the index of the connection
135         */
136        public void setCurrentConnectionIndex(int connectionIndex)
137        {
138            this.currentConnectionIndex = connectionIndex;
139        }
141        /**
142         * Returns the current {@link MockConnection} based on its
143         * index or <code>null</code> if no connection
144         * was created. The connection has to be created using the
145         * {@link com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockConnectionFactory}.
146         * @return the topic connection
147         */
148        public MockConnection getCurrentConnection()
149        {
150            if(0 > currentConnectionIndex)
151            { 
152                return mockFactory.getMockConnectionFactory().getLatestConnection();
153            }
154            return mockFactory.getMockConnectionFactory().getConnection(currentConnectionIndex);
155        }
157        /**
158         * Creates a new connection and uses it for creating a new session and receiver.
159         * Registers the specified listener. Starts the connection for message
160         * receiving. This method is useful for creating test listeners when
161         * testing senders. It can be used to register message driven beans.
162         * Note that the created connection is the latest created
163         * connection and automatically becomes the default connection for the
164         * test module. The created session is transacted.
165         * This method uses the {@link MockQueueConnectionFactory} for
166         * creating the connection and the session. If you want to use the
167         * {@link com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockConnectionFactory} you have to create the connection on your own
168         * and call {@link #registerTestMessageListenerForQueue(MockConnection, String, MessageListener)}.
169         * @param queueName the name of the queue used for message receiving
170         * @param listener the listener that should be registered
171         */
172        public void registerTestMessageListenerForQueue(String queueName, MessageListener listener)
173        {
174            try
175            {
176                MockQueueConnectionFactory factory = mockFactory.getMockQueueConnectionFactory();
177                MockQueueConnection connection = (MockQueueConnection)factory.createQueueConnection();
178                registerTestMessageListenerForQueue(connection, queueName, listener);
179            }
180            catch(JMSException exc)
181            {
182                throw new NestedApplicationException(exc);
183            }
184        }
186        /**
187         * Creates a new session and receiver using the specified connection and
188         * registers the specified listener. Starts the connection for message
189         * receiving. This method is useful for creating test listeners when
190         * testing senders. It can be used to register message driven beans.
191         * The created session is transacted.
192         * @param connection the connection used for creating the session
193         * @param queueName the name of the queue used for message receiving
194         * @param listener the listener that should be registered
195         */
196        public void registerTestMessageListenerForQueue(MockConnection connection, String queueName, MessageListener listener)
197        {
198            registerTestMessageListenerForQueue(connection, queueName, true, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, listener);
199        }
201        /**
202         * Creates a new session and receiver using the specified connection and
203         * registers the specified listener. Starts the connection for message
204         * receiving. This method is useful for creating test listeners when
205         * testing senders. It can be used to register message driven beans.
206         * @param connection the connection used for creating the session
207         * @param queueName the name of the queue used for message receiving
208         * @param transacted should the created session be transacted
209         * @param acknowledgeMode the acknowledge mode of the created session
210         * @param listener the listener that should be registered
211         */
212        public void registerTestMessageListenerForQueue(MockConnection connection, String queueName, boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode, MessageListener listener)
213        {
214            registerTestMessageListenerForQueue(connection, queueName, transacted, acknowledgeMode, null, listener);
215        }
217        /**
218         * Creates a new session and receiver using the specified connection and
219         * registers the specified listener. Starts the connection for message
220         * receiving. This method is useful for creating test listeners when
221         * testing senders. It can be used to register message driven beans.
222         * @param connection the connection used for creating the session
223         * @param queueName the name of the queue used for message receiving
224         * @param transacted should the created session be transacted
225         * @param acknowledgeMode the acknowledge mode of the created session
226         * @param messageSelector the message selector
227         * @param listener the listener that should be registered
228         */
229        public void registerTestMessageListenerForQueue(MockConnection connection, String queueName, boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode, String messageSelector, MessageListener listener)
230        {
231            try
232            {
233                Queue queue = getDestinationManager().getQueue(queueName);
234                MockSession session = (MockSession)connection.createSession(transacted, acknowledgeMode);
235                MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(queue, messageSelector);
236                consumer.setMessageListener(listener);
237                connection.start();
238            }
239            catch(JMSException exc)
240            {
241                throw new NestedApplicationException(exc);
242            }
243        }
245        /**
246         * Creates a new connection and uses it for creating a new session and subscriber.
247         * Registers the specified listener. Starts the connection for message
248         * receiving. This method is useful for creating test listeners when
249         * testing publishers. It can be used to resgister message driven beans.
250         * Note that the created connection is the latest created
251         * connection and automatically becomes the default connection for the
252         * test module. The created session is transacted.
253         * This method uses the {@link MockTopicConnectionFactory} for
254         * creating the connection and the session. If you want to use the
255         * {@link com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockConnectionFactory} you have to create the connection on your own
256         * and call {@link #registerTestMessageListenerForTopic(MockConnection, String, MessageListener)}.
257         * @param topicName the name of the topic used for message receiving
258         * @param listener the listener that should be registered
259         */
260        public void registerTestMessageListenerForTopic(String topicName, MessageListener listener)
261        {
262            try
263            {
264                MockTopicConnectionFactory factory = mockFactory.getMockTopicConnectionFactory();
265                MockTopicConnection connection = (MockTopicConnection)factory.createTopicConnection();
266                registerTestMessageListenerForTopic(connection, topicName, listener);
267            }
268            catch(JMSException exc)
269            {
270                throw new NestedApplicationException(exc);
271            }
272        }
274        /**
275         * Creates a new session and subscriber using the specified connection and
276         * registers the specified listener. Starts the connection for message
277         * receiving. This method is useful for creating test listeners when
278         * testing publishers. It can be used to resgister message driven beans.
279         * The created session is transacted.
280         * @param connection the connection used for creating the session
281         * @param topicName the name of the topic used for message receiving
282         * @param listener the listener that should be registered
283         */
284        public void registerTestMessageListenerForTopic(MockConnection connection, String topicName, MessageListener listener)
285        {
286            registerTestMessageListenerForTopic(connection, topicName, true, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, listener);
287        }
289        /**
290         * Creates a new session and subscriber using the specified connection and
291         * registers the specified listener. Starts the connection for message
292         * receiving. This method is useful for creating test listeners when
293         * testing publishers. It can be used to resgister message driven beans.
294         * @param connection the connection used for creating the session
295         * @param topicName the name of the topic used for message receiving
296         * @param transacted should the created session be transacted
297         * @param acknowledgeMode the acknowledge mode of the created session
298         * @param listener the listener that should be registered
299         */
300        public void registerTestMessageListenerForTopic(MockConnection connection, String topicName, boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode, MessageListener listener)
301        {
302            registerTestMessageListenerForTopic(connection, topicName, transacted, acknowledgeMode, null, listener);
303        }
305        /**
306         * Creates a new session and subscriber using the specified connection and
307         * registers the specified listener. Starts the connection for message
308         * receiving. This method is useful for creating test listeners when
309         * testing publishers. It can be used to resgister message driven beans.
310         * @param connection the connection used for creating the session
311         * @param topicName the name of the topic used for message receiving
312         * @param transacted should the created session be transacted
313         * @param acknowledgeMode the acknowledge mode of the created session
314         * @param messageSelector the message selector
315         * @param listener the listener that should be registered
316         */
317        public void registerTestMessageListenerForTopic(MockConnection connection, String topicName, boolean transacted, int acknowledgeMode, String messageSelector, MessageListener listener)
318        {
319            try
320            {
321                Topic topic = getDestinationManager().getTopic(topicName);
322                MockSession session = (MockSession)connection.createSession(transacted, acknowledgeMode);
323                MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(topic, messageSelector);
324                consumer.setMessageListener(listener);
325                connection.start();
326            }
327            catch(JMSException exc)
328            {
329                throw new NestedApplicationException(exc);
330            }
331        }
333        /**
334         * Returns the {@link DestinationManager}.
335         * @return the {@link DestinationManager}
336         */
337        public DestinationManager getDestinationManager()
338        {
339            return mockFactory.getDestinationManager();
340        }
342        /**
343         * Returns the {@link ConfigurationManager}.
344         * @return the {@link ConfigurationManager}
345         */
346        public ConfigurationManager getConfigurationManager()
347        {
348            return mockFactory.getConfigurationManager();
349        }
351        /**
352         * Returns the {@link MessageManager} for the specified session
353         * or <code>null</code> if the session does not exist. The returned
354         * {@link MessageManager} is used to keep track of messages sent
355         * to queues.
356         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
357         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
358         * @return the {@link MessageManager}
359         */
360        public MessageManager getQueueMessageManager(int indexOfSession)
361        {
362            MockQueueSession session = getQueueSession(indexOfSession);
363            if(null == session) return null;
364            return session.getMessageManager();
365        }
367        /**
368         * Returns the {@link MessageManager} for the specified session
369         * or <code>null</code> if the session does not exist. The returned
370         * {@link MessageManager} is used to keep track of messages sent
371         * to topics.
372         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
373         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
374         * @return the {@link MessageManager}
375         */
376        public MessageManager getTopicMessageManager(int indexOfSession)
377        {
378            MockTopicSession session = getTopicSession(indexOfSession);
379            if(null == session) return null;
380            return session.getMessageManager();
381        }
383        /**
384         * Returns the {@link MessageManager} for the specified session
385         * or <code>null</code> if the session does not exist. The returned
386         * {@link MessageManager} is used to keep track of messages sent
387         * to topics.
388         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
389         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
390         * @return the {@link MessageManager}
391         */
392        public MessageManager getMessageManager(int indexOfSession)
393        {
394            MockSession session = getSession(indexOfSession);
395            if(null == session) return null;
396            return session.getMessageManager();
397        }
399        /**
400         * Returns the {@link QueueTransmissionManager} for the specified session
401         * or <code>null</code> if the session does not exist.
402         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
403         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
404         * @return the {@link QueueTransmissionManager}
405         */
406        public QueueTransmissionManager getQueueTransmissionManager(int indexOfSession)
407        {
408            MockQueueSession session = getQueueSession(indexOfSession);
409            if(null == session) return null;
410            return session.getQueueTransmissionManager();
411        }
413        /**
414         * Returns the {@link TopicTransmissionManager} for the specified session
415         * or <code>null</code> if the session does not exist.
416         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
417         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
418         * @return the {@link TopicTransmissionManager}
419         */
420        public TopicTransmissionManager getTopicTransmissionManager(int indexOfSession)
421        {
422            MockTopicSession session = getTopicSession(indexOfSession);
423            if(null == session) return null;
424            return session.getTopicTransmissionManager();
425        }
427        /**
428         * @deprecated use {@link #getTransmissionManagerWrapper}
429         */
430        public TransmissionManagerWrapper getTransmissionManager(int indexOfSession)
431        {
432            return getTransmissionManagerWrapper(indexOfSession);
433        }
435        /**
436         * Returns the {@link TransmissionManagerWrapper} for the specified session
437         * or <code>null</code> if the session does not exist.
438         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
439         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
440         * @return the {@link TransmissionManagerWrapper}
441         */
442        public TransmissionManagerWrapper getTransmissionManagerWrapper(int indexOfSession)
443        {
444            MockSession session = getSession(indexOfSession);
445            if(null == session) return null;
446            return session.getTransmissionManagerWrapper();
447        }
449        /**
450         * Returns the {@link TransmissionManagerWrapper} for the specified session
451         * or <code>null</code> if the session does not exist.
452         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
453         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
454         * @return the {@link TransmissionManagerWrapper}
455         */
456        public TransmissionManagerWrapper getQueueTransmissionManagerWrapper(int indexOfSession)
457        {
458            MockQueueSession session = getQueueSession(indexOfSession);
459            if(null == session) return null;
460            return session.getTransmissionManagerWrapper();
461        }
463        /**
464         * Returns the {@link TransmissionManagerWrapper} for the specified session
465         * or <code>null</code> if the session does not exist.
466         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
467         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
468         * @return the {@link TransmissionManagerWrapper}
469         */
470        public TransmissionManagerWrapper getTopicTransmissionManagerWrapper(int indexOfSession)
471        {
472            MockTopicSession session = getTopicSession(indexOfSession);
473            if(null == session) return null;
474            return session.getTransmissionManagerWrapper();
475        }
477        /**
478         * Returns the list of {@link MockQueueSession} objects.
479         * The sessions have been created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
480         * @return the {@link MockQueueSession} list
481         */
482        public List getQueueSessionList()
483        {
484            if(null == getCurrentQueueConnection()) return null;
485            return getCurrentQueueConnection().getQueueSessionList();
486        }
488        /**
489         * Returns the list of {@link MockTopicSession} objects.
490         * The sessions have been created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
491         * @return the {@link MockTopicSession} list
492         */
493        public List getTopicSessionList()
494        {
495            if(null == getCurrentTopicConnection()) return null;
496            return getCurrentTopicConnection().getTopicSessionList();
497        }
499        /**
500         * Returns the list of {@link MockSession} objects.
501         * The sessions have been created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
502         * @return the {@link MockSession} list
503         */
504        public List getSessionList()
505        {
506            if(null == getCurrentConnection()) return null;
507            return getCurrentConnection().getSessionList();
508        }
510        /**
511         * Returns the {@link MockQueueSession} for the specified index
512         * or <code>null</code> if the session does not exist.
513         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
514         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
515         * @return the {@link MockQueueSession}
516         */
517        public MockQueueSession getQueueSession(int indexOfSession)
518        {
519            if(null == getCurrentQueueConnection()) return null;
520            return getCurrentQueueConnection().getQueueSession(indexOfSession);
521        }
523        /**
524         * Returns the {@link MockTopicSession} for the specified index
525         * or <code>null</code> if the session does not exist.
526         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
527         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
528         * @return the {@link MockTopicSession}
529         */
530        public MockTopicSession getTopicSession(int indexOfSession)
531        {
532            if(null == getCurrentTopicConnection()) return null;
533            return getCurrentTopicConnection().getTopicSession(indexOfSession);
534        }
536        /**
537         * Returns the {@link MockSession} for the specified index
538         * or <code>null</code> if the session does not exist.
539         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
540         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
541         * @return the {@link MockSession}
542         */
543        public MockSession getSession(int indexOfSession)
544        {
545            if(null == getCurrentConnection()) return null;
546            return getCurrentConnection().getSession(indexOfSession);
547        }
549        /**
550         * Returns the {@link MockQueue} with the specified name
551         * or <code>null</code> if no such queue exists.
552         * @param name the name of the queue
553         * @return the {@link MockQueue}
554         */
555        public MockQueue getQueue(String name)
556        {
557            return getDestinationManager().getQueue(name);
558        }
560        /**
561         * Returns the {@link MockTopic} with the specified name
562         * or <code>null</code> if no such topic exists.
563         * @param name the name of the topic
564         * @return the {@link MockTopic}
565         */
566        public MockTopic getTopic(String name)
567        {
568            return getDestinationManager().getTopic(name);
569        }
571        /**
572         * Returns the list of {@link MockTemporaryQueue} objects
573         * for the specified session. The session has to be created using
574         * the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
575         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
576         * @return the {@link MockTemporaryQueue} list
577         */
578        public List getTemporaryQueueList(int indexOfSession)
579        {
580            MockQueueSession session = getQueueSession(indexOfSession);
581            if(null == session) return null;
582            return session.getTemporaryQueueList();
583        }
585        /**
586         * Returns the list of {@link MockTemporaryTopic} objects
587         * for the specified session. The session has to be created using
588         * the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
589         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
590         * @return the {@link MockTemporaryTopic} list
591         */
592        public List getTemporaryTopicList(int indexOfSession)
593        {
594            MockTopicSession session = getTopicSession(indexOfSession);
595            if(null == session) return null;
596            return session.getTemporaryTopicList();
597        }
599        /**
600         * Returns the {@link MockTemporaryQueue} with the specified index
601         * for the specified session. Returns <code>null</code> if no such
602         * temporary queue exists. The session has to be created using
603         * the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
604         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
605         * @param indexOfQueue the index of the temporary queue
606         * @return the {@link MockTemporaryQueue}
607         */
608        public MockTemporaryQueue getTemporaryQueue(int indexOfSession, int indexOfQueue)
609        {
610            MockQueueSession session = getQueueSession(indexOfSession);
611            if(null == session) return null;
612            return session.getTemporaryQueue(indexOfQueue);
613        }
615        /**
616         * Returns the {@link MockTemporaryTopic} with the specified index
617         * for the specified session. Returns <code>null</code> if no such
618         * temporary queue exists. The session has to be created using
619         * the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
620         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
621         * @param indexOfTopic the index of the temporary queue
622         * @return the {@link MockTemporaryTopic}
623         */
624        public MockTemporaryTopic getTemporaryTopic(int indexOfSession, int indexOfTopic)
625        {
626            MockTopicSession session = getTopicSession(indexOfSession);
627            if(null == session) return null;
628            return session.getTemporaryTopic(indexOfTopic);
629        }
631        /**
632         * Returns the list of messages that are currently present in the queue
633         * or <code>null</code> if no such queue exists.
634         * @param name the name of the queue
635         * @return the list of messages
636         */
637        public List getCurrentMessageListFromQueue(String name)
638        {
639            MockQueue queue = getQueue(name);
640            if(null == queue) return null;
641            return queue.getCurrentMessageList();
642        }
644        /**
645         * Returns the list of messages that are currently present in the 
646         * temporary queue or <code>null</code> if no such queue exists.
647         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
648         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
649         * @param indexOfQueue the index of the temporary queue
650         * @return the list of messages
651         */
652        public List getCurrentMessageListFromTemporaryQueue(int indexOfSession, int indexOfQueue)
653        {
654            MockTemporaryQueue queue = getTemporaryQueue(indexOfSession, indexOfQueue);
655            if(null == queue) return null;
656            return queue.getCurrentMessageList();
657        }
659        /**
660         * Returns the list of messages that were received by the queue
661         * or <code>null</code> if no such queue exists.
662         * @param name the name of the queue
663         * @return the list of messages
664         */
665        public List getReceivedMessageListFromQueue(String name)
666        {
667            MockQueue queue = getQueue(name);
668            if(null == queue) return null;
669            return queue.getReceivedMessageList();
670        }
672        /**
673         * Returns the list of messages that were received by the 
674         * temporary queue or <code>null</code> if no such queue exists.
675         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
676         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
677         * @param indexOfQueue the index of the temporary queue
678         * @return the list of messages
679         */
680        public List getReceivedMessageListFromTemporaryQueue(int indexOfSession, int indexOfQueue)
681        {
682            MockTemporaryQueue queue = getTemporaryQueue(indexOfSession, indexOfQueue);
683            if(null == queue) return null;
684            return queue.getReceivedMessageList();
685        }
687        /**
688         * Returns the list of messages that are currently present in the topic
689         * or <code>null</code> if no such topic exists.
690         * @param name the name of the queue
691         * @return the list of messages
692         */
693        public List getCurrentMessageListFromTopic(String name)
694        {
695            MockTopic topic = getTopic(name);
696            if(null == topic) return null;
697            return topic.getCurrentMessageList();
698        }
700        /**
701         * Returns the list of messages that are currently present in the 
702         * temporary topic or <code>null</code> if no such topic exists.
703         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
704         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
705         * @param indexOfTopic the index of the temporary topic
706         * @return the list of messages
707         */
708        public List getCurrentMessageListFromTemporaryTopic(int indexOfSession, int indexOfTopic)
709        {
710            MockTemporaryTopic topic = getTemporaryTopic(indexOfSession, indexOfTopic);
711            if(null == topic) return null;
712            return topic.getCurrentMessageList();
713        }
715        /**
716         * Returns the list of messages that were received by the topic
717         * or <code>null</code> if no such topic exists.
718         * @param name the name of the topic
719         * @return the list of messages
720         */
721        public List getReceivedMessageListFromTopic(String name)
722        {
723            MockTopic topic = getTopic(name);
724            if(null == topic) return null;
725            return topic.getReceivedMessageList();
726        }
728        /**
729         * Returns the list of messages that were received by the 
730         * temporary topic or <code>null</code> if no such topic exists.
731         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
732         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
733         * @param indexOfTopic the index of the temporary topic
734         * @return the list of messages
735         */
736        public List getReceivedMessageListFromTemporaryTopic(int indexOfSession, int indexOfTopic)
737        {
738            MockTemporaryTopic topic = getTemporaryTopic(indexOfSession, indexOfTopic);
739            if(null == topic) return null;
740            return topic.getReceivedMessageList();
741        }
743        /**
744         * Verifies that the current {@link MockQueueConnection} is closed.
745         * The connection has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnectionFactory}.
746         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
747         */
748        public void verifyQueueConnectionClosed()
749        {
750            if(null == getCurrentQueueConnection())
751            {
752                throw new VerifyFailedException("No QueueConnection present.");
753            }
754            if(!getCurrentQueueConnection().isClosed())
755            {
756                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueConnection is not closed.");
757            }
758        }
760        /**
761         * Verifies that the current {@link MockQueueConnection} is started.
762         * The connection has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnectionFactory}.
763         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
764         */
765        public void verifyQueueConnectionStarted()
766        {
767            if(null == getCurrentQueueConnection())
768            {
769                throw new VerifyFailedException("No QueueConnection present.");
770            }
771            if(!getCurrentQueueConnection().isStarted())
772            {
773                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueConnection is not started.");
774            }
775        }
777        /**
778         * Verifies that the current {@link MockQueueConnection} is stopped.
779         * The connection has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnectionFactory}.
780         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
781         */
782        public void verifyQueueConnectionStopped()
783        {
784            if(null == getCurrentQueueConnection())
785            {
786                throw new VerifyFailedException("No QueueConnection present.");
787            }
788            if(!getCurrentQueueConnection().isStopped())
789            {
790                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueConnection is not stopped.");
791            }
792        }
794        /**
795         * Verifies that the current {@link MockTopicConnection} is closed.
796         * The connection has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnectionFactory}.
797         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
798         */
799        public void verifyTopicConnectionClosed()
800        {
801            if(null == getCurrentTopicConnection())
802            {
803                throw new VerifyFailedException("No TopicConnection present.");
804            }
805            if(!getCurrentTopicConnection().isClosed())
806            {
807                throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicConnection is not closed.");
808            }
809        }
811        /**
812         * Verifies that the current {@link MockTopicConnection} is started.
813         * The connection has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnectionFactory}.
814         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
815         */
816        public void verifyTopicConnectionStarted()
817        {
818            if(null == getCurrentTopicConnection())
819            {
820                throw new VerifyFailedException("No TopicConnection present.");
821            }
822            if(!getCurrentTopicConnection().isStarted())
823            {
824                throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicConnection is not started.");
825            }
826        }
828        /**
829         * Verifies that the current {@link MockTopicConnection} is stopped.
830         * The connection has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnectionFactory}.
831         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
832         */
833        public void verifyTopicConnectionStopped()
834        {
835            if(null == getCurrentTopicConnection())
836            {
837                throw new VerifyFailedException("No TopicConnection present.");
838            }
839            if(!getCurrentTopicConnection().isStopped())
840            {
841                throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicConnection is not stopped.");
842            }
843        }
845        /**
846         * Verifies that the current {@link MockConnection} is closed.
847         * The connection has to be created using the current {@link com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockConnectionFactory}.
848         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
849         */
850        public void verifyConnectionClosed()
851        {
852            if(null == getCurrentConnection())
853            {
854                throw new VerifyFailedException("No Connection present.");
855            }
856            if(!getCurrentConnection().isClosed())
857            {
858                throw new VerifyFailedException("Connection is not closed.");
859            }
860        }
862        /**
863         * Verifies that the current {@link MockConnection} is started.
864         * The connection has to be created using the current {@link com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockConnectionFactory}.
865         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
866         */
867        public void verifyConnectionStarted()
868        {
869            if(null == getCurrentConnection())
870            {
871                throw new VerifyFailedException("No Connection present.");
872            }
873            if(!getCurrentConnection().isStarted())
874            {
875                throw new VerifyFailedException("Connection is not started.");
876            }
877        }
879        /**
880         * Verifies that the current {@link MockConnection} is stopped.
881         * The connection has to be created using the current {@link com.mockrunner.mock.jms.MockConnectionFactory}.
882         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
883         */
884        public void verifyConnectionStopped()
885        {
886            if(null == getCurrentConnection())
887            {
888                throw new VerifyFailedException("No Connection present.");
889            }
890            if(!getCurrentConnection().isStopped())
891            {
892                throw new VerifyFailedException("Connection is not stopped.");
893            }
894        }
896        /**
897         * Verifies that the queue session with the specified index is
898         * closed.
899         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
900         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
901         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
902         */
903        public void verifyQueueSessionClosed(int indexOfSession)
904        {
905            MockQueueSession session = checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
906            if(!session.isClosed())
907            {
908                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueSession with index " + indexOfSession + " is not closed.");
909            }
910        }
912        /**
913         * Verifies that the queue session with the specified index was
914         * committed.
915         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
916         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
917         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
918         */
919        public void verifyQueueSessionCommitted(int indexOfSession)
920        {
921            MockQueueSession session = checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
922            if(!session.isCommitted())
923            {
924                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueSession is not committed.");
925            }
926        }
928        /**
929         * Verifies that the queue session with the specified index was
930         * not committed.
931         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
932         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
933         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
934         */
935        public void verifyQueueSessionNotCommitted(int indexOfSession)
936        {
937            MockQueueSession session = checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
938            if(session.isCommitted())
939            {
940                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueSession is committed.");
941            }
942        }
944        /**
945         * Verifies the number of commits of the queue session with the specified index.
946         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
947         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
948         * @param numberOfCommits the expected number of commits
949         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
950         */
951        public void verifyQueueSessionNumberCommits(int indexOfSession, int numberOfCommits)
952        {
953            MockQueueSession session = checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
954            if(numberOfCommits != session.getNumberCommits())
955            {
956                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueSession was commited " + session.getNumberCommits() + " times, expected " + numberOfCommits + " times");
957            }
958        }
960        /**
961         * Verifies that the queue session with the specified index was
962         * rolled back.
963         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
964         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
965         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
966         */
967        public void verifyQueueSessionRolledBack(int indexOfSession)
968        {
969            MockQueueSession session = checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
970            if(!session.isRolledBack())
971            {
972                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueSession is not rolled back.");
973            }
974        }
976        /**
977         * Verifies that the queue session with the specified index was
978         * not rolled back.
979         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
980         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
981         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
982         */
983        public void verifyQueueSessionNotRolledBack(int indexOfSession)
984        {
985            MockQueueSession session = checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
986            if(session.isRolledBack())
987            {
988                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueSession is rolled back.");
989            }
990        }
992        /**
993         * Verifies the number of rollbacks of the queue session with the specified index.
994         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
995         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
996         * @param numberOfRollbacks the expected number of rollbacks
997         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
998         */
999        public void verifyQueueSessionNumberRollbacks(int indexOfSession, int numberOfRollbacks)
1000        {
1001            MockQueueSession session = checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1002            if(numberOfRollbacks != session.getNumberRollbacks())
1003            {
1004                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueSession was rolled back " + session.getNumberRollbacks() + " times, expected " + numberOfRollbacks + " times");
1005            }
1006        }
1008        /**
1009         * Verifies that the queue session with the specified index was
1010         * recovered.
1011         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
1012         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1013         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1014         */
1015        public void verifyQueueSessionRecovered(int indexOfSession)
1016        {
1017            MockQueueSession session = checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1018            if(!session.isRecovered())
1019            {
1020                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueSession is not recovered.");
1021            }
1022        }
1024        /**
1025         * Verifies that the queue session with the specified index was
1026         * not recovered.
1027         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
1028         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1029         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1030         */
1031        public void verifyQueueSessionNotRecovered(int indexOfSession)
1032        {
1033            MockQueueSession session = checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1034            if(session.isRecovered())
1035            {
1036                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueSession is recovered.");
1037            }
1038        }
1040        /**
1041         * Verifies that the topic session with the specified index is
1042         * closed.
1043         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1044         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1045         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1046         */
1047        public void verifyTopicSessionClosed(int indexOfSession)
1048        {
1049            MockTopicSession session = checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1050            if(!session.isClosed())
1051            {
1052                throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicSession with index " + indexOfSession + " is not closed.");
1053            }
1054        }
1056        /**
1057         * Verifies that the topic session with the specified index was
1058         * committed.
1059         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1060         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1061         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1062         */
1063        public void verifyTopicSessionCommitted(int indexOfSession)
1064        {
1065            MockTopicSession session = checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1066            if(!session.isCommitted())
1067            {
1068                throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicSession is not committed.");
1069            }
1070        }
1072        /**
1073         * Verifies that the topic session with the specified index was
1074         * not committed.
1075         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1076         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1077         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1078         */
1079        public void verifyTopicSessionNotCommitted(int indexOfSession)
1080        {
1081            MockTopicSession session = checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1082            if(session.isCommitted())
1083            {
1084                throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicSession is committed.");
1085            }
1086        }
1088        /**
1089         * Verifies the number of commits of the topic session with the specified index.
1090         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1091         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1092         * @param numberOfCommits the expected number of commits
1093         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1094         */
1095        public void verifyTopicSessionNumberCommits(int indexOfSession, int numberOfCommits)
1096        {
1097            MockTopicSession session = checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1098            if(numberOfCommits != session.getNumberCommits())
1099            {
1100                throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicSession was commited " + session.getNumberCommits() + " times, expected " + numberOfCommits + " times");
1101            }
1102        }
1104        /**
1105         * Verifies that the topic session with the specified index was
1106         * rolled back.
1107         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1108         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1109         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1110         */
1111        public void verifyTopicSessionRolledBack(int indexOfSession)
1112        {
1113            MockTopicSession session = checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1114            if(!session.isRolledBack())
1115            {
1116                throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicSession is not rolled back.");
1117            }
1118        }
1120        /**
1121         * Verifies that the topic session with the specified index was
1122         * not rolled back.
1123         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1124         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1125         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1126         */
1127        public void verifyTopicSessionNotRolledBack(int indexOfSession)
1128        {
1129            MockTopicSession session = checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1130            if(session.isRolledBack())
1131            {
1132                throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicSession is rolled back.");
1133            }
1134        }
1136        /**
1137         * Verifies the number of rollbacks of the topic session with the specified index.
1138         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1139         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1140         * @param numberOfRollbacks the expected number of rollbacks
1141         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1142         */
1143        public void verifyTopicSessionNumberRollbacks(int indexOfSession, int numberOfRollbacks)
1144        {
1145            MockTopicSession session = checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1146            if(numberOfRollbacks != session.getNumberRollbacks())
1147            {
1148                throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicSession was rolled back " + session.getNumberRollbacks() + " times, expected " + numberOfRollbacks + " times");
1149            }
1150        }
1152        /**
1153         * Verifies that the topic session with the specified index was
1154         * recovered.
1155         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1156         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1157         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1158         */
1159        public void verifyTopicSessionRecovered(int indexOfSession)
1160        {
1161            MockTopicSession session = checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1162            if(!session.isRecovered())
1163            {
1164                throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicSession is not recovered.");
1165            }
1166        }
1168        /**
1169         * Verifies that the topic session with the specified index was
1170         * not recovered.
1171         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1172         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1173         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1174         */
1175        public void verifyTopicSessionNotRecovered(int indexOfSession)
1176        {
1177            MockTopicSession session = checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1178            if(session.isRecovered())
1179            {
1180                throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicSession is recovered.");
1181            }
1182        }
1184        /**
1185         * Verifies that the session with the specified index is
1186         * closed.
1187         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
1188         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1189         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1190         */
1191        public void verifySessionClosed(int indexOfSession)
1192        {
1193            MockSession session = checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1194            if(!session.isClosed())
1195            {
1196                throw new VerifyFailedException("Session with index " + indexOfSession + " is not closed.");
1197            }
1198        }
1200        /**
1201         * Verifies that the session with the specified index was
1202         * committed.
1203         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
1204         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1205         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1206         */
1207        public void verifySessionCommitted(int indexOfSession)
1208        {
1209            MockSession session = checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1210            if(!session.isCommitted())
1211            {
1212                throw new VerifyFailedException("Session is not committed.");
1213            }
1214        }
1216        /**
1217         * Verifies that the session with the specified index was
1218         * not committed.
1219         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
1220         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1221         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1222         */
1223        public void verifySessionNotCommitted(int indexOfSession)
1224        {
1225            MockSession session = checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1226            if(session.isCommitted())
1227            {
1228                throw new VerifyFailedException("Session is committed.");
1229            }
1230        }
1232        /**
1233         * Verifies the number of commits of session with the specified index.
1234         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
1235         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1236         * @param numberOfCommits the expected number of commits
1237         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1238         */
1239        public void verifySessionNumberCommits(int indexOfSession, int numberOfCommits)
1240        {
1241            MockSession session = checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1242            if(numberOfCommits != session.getNumberCommits())
1243            {
1244                throw new VerifyFailedException("Session was commited " + session.getNumberCommits() + " times, expected " + numberOfCommits + " times");
1245            }
1246        }
1248        /**
1249         * Verifies that the session with the specified index was
1250         * rolled back.
1251         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
1252         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1253         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1254         */
1255        public void verifySessionRolledBack(int indexOfSession)
1256        {
1257            MockSession session = checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1258            if(!session.isRolledBack())
1259            {
1260                throw new VerifyFailedException("Session is not rolled back.");
1261            }
1262        }
1264        /**
1265         * Verifies that the session with the specified index was
1266         * not rolled back.
1267         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
1268         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1269         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1270         */
1271        public void verifySessionNotRolledBack(int indexOfSession)
1272        {
1273            MockSession session = checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1274            if(session.isRolledBack())
1275            {
1276                throw new VerifyFailedException("Session is rolled back.");
1277            }
1278        }
1280        /**
1281         * Verifies the number of rollbacks of session with the specified index.
1282         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
1283         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1284         * @param numberOfRollbacks the expected number of rollbacks
1285         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1286         */
1287        public void verifySessionNumberRollbacks(int indexOfSession, int numberOfRollbacks)
1288        {
1289            MockSession session = checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1290            if(numberOfRollbacks != session.getNumberRollbacks())
1291            {
1292                throw new VerifyFailedException("Session was rolled back " + session.getNumberRollbacks() + " times, expected " + numberOfRollbacks + " times");
1293            }
1294        }
1296        /**
1297         * Verifies that the session with the specified index was
1298         * recovered.
1299         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
1300         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1301         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1302         */
1303        public void verifySessionRecovered(int indexOfSession)
1304        {
1305            MockSession session = checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1306            if(!session.isRecovered())
1307            {
1308                throw new VerifyFailedException("Session is not recovered.");
1309            }
1310        }
1312        /**
1313         * Verifies that the session with the specified index was
1314         * not recovered.
1315         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
1316         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1317         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1318         */
1319        public void verifySessionNotRecovered(int indexOfSession)
1320        {
1321            MockSession session = checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1322            if(session.isRecovered())
1323            {
1324                throw new VerifyFailedException("Session is recovered.");
1325            }
1326        }
1328        /**
1329         * Verifies that all queue sessions are closed.
1330         * The sessions have to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
1331         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1332         */
1333        public void verifyAllQueueSessionsClosed()
1334        {
1335            List queueSessions = getQueueSessionList();
1336            if(null == queueSessions) return;
1337            for(int ii = 0; ii < queueSessions.size(); ii++)
1338            {
1339                MockQueueSession currentSession = (MockQueueSession)queueSessions.get(ii);
1340                if(!currentSession.isClosed())
1341                {
1342                    throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueSession with index " + ii + " is not closed.");
1343                }
1344            }
1345        }
1347        /**
1348         * Verifies that all queue sessions are recovered.
1349         * The sessions have to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
1350         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1351         */
1352        public void verifyAllQueueSessionsRecovered()
1353        {
1354            List queueSessions = getQueueSessionList();
1355            if(null == queueSessions) return;
1356            for(int ii = 0; ii < queueSessions.size(); ii++)
1357            {
1358                MockQueueSession currentSession = (MockQueueSession)queueSessions.get(ii);
1359                if(!currentSession.isRecovered())
1360                {
1361                    throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueSession with index " + ii + " is not recovered.");
1362                }
1363            }
1364        }
1366        /**
1367         * Verifies that all queue sessions were commited.
1368         * The sessions have to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
1369         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1370         */
1371        public void verifyAllQueueSessionsCommitted()
1372        {
1373            List queueSessions = getQueueSessionList();
1374            if(null == queueSessions) return;
1375            for(int ii = 0; ii < queueSessions.size(); ii++)
1376            {
1377                MockQueueSession currentSession = (MockQueueSession)queueSessions.get(ii);
1378                if(!currentSession.isCommitted())
1379                {
1380                    throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueSession with index " + ii + " is not committed.");
1381                }
1382            }
1383        }
1385        /**
1386         * Verifies that all queue sessions were rolled back.
1387         * The sessions have to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
1388         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1389         */
1390        public void verifyAllQueueSessionsRolledBack()
1391        {
1392            List queueSessions = getQueueSessionList();
1393            if(null == queueSessions) return;
1394            for(int ii = 0; ii < queueSessions.size(); ii++)
1395            {
1396                MockQueueSession currentSession = (MockQueueSession)queueSessions.get(ii);
1397                if(!currentSession.isRolledBack())
1398                {
1399                    throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueSession with index " + ii + " is not rolled back.");
1400                }
1401            }   
1402        }
1404        /**
1405         * Verifies that all topic sessions are closed.
1406         * The sessions have to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1407         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1408         */
1409        public void verifyAllTopicSessionsClosed()
1410        {
1411            List topicSessions = getTopicSessionList();
1412            if(null == topicSessions) return;
1413            for(int ii = 0; ii < topicSessions.size(); ii++)
1414            {
1415                MockTopicSession currentSession = (MockTopicSession)topicSessions.get(ii);
1416                if(!currentSession.isClosed())
1417                {
1418                    throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicSession with index " + ii + " is not closed.");
1419                }
1420            }
1421        }
1423        /**
1424         * Verifies that all topic sessions are recovered.
1425         * The sessions have to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1426         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1427         */
1428        public void verifyAllTopicSessionsRecovered()
1429        {
1430            List topicSessions = getTopicSessionList();
1431            if(null == topicSessions) return;
1432            for(int ii = 0; ii < topicSessions.size(); ii++)
1433            {
1434                MockTopicSession currentSession = (MockTopicSession)topicSessions.get(ii);
1435                if(!currentSession.isRecovered())
1436                {
1437                    throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicSession with index " + ii + " is not recovered.");
1438                }
1439            }
1440        }
1442        /**
1443         * Verifies that all topic sessions were commited.
1444         * The sessions have to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1445         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1446         */
1447        public void verifyAllTopicSessionsCommitted()
1448        {
1449            List topicSessions = getTopicSessionList();
1450            if(null == topicSessions) return;
1451            for(int ii = 0; ii < topicSessions.size(); ii++)
1452            {
1453                MockTopicSession currentSession = (MockTopicSession)topicSessions.get(ii);
1454                if(!currentSession.isCommitted())
1455                {
1456                    throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicSession with index " + ii + " is not committed.");
1457                }
1458            }
1459        }
1461        /**
1462         * Verifies that all topic sessions were rolled back.
1463         * The sessions have to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1464         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1465         */
1466        public void verifyAllTopicSessionsRolledBack()
1467        {
1468            List topicSessions = getTopicSessionList();
1469            if(null == topicSessions) return;
1470            for(int ii = 0; ii < topicSessions.size(); ii++)
1471            {
1472                MockTopicSession currentSession = (MockTopicSession)topicSessions.get(ii);
1473                if(!currentSession.isRolledBack())
1474                {
1475                    throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicSession with index " + ii + " is not rolled back.");
1476                }
1477            }   
1478        }
1480        /**
1481         * Verifies that all sessions are closed.
1482         * The sessions have to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
1483         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1484         */
1485        public void verifyAllSessionsClosed()
1486        {
1487            List sessions = getSessionList();
1488            if(null == sessions) return;
1489            for(int ii = 0; ii < sessions.size(); ii++)
1490            {
1491                MockSession currentSession = (MockSession)sessions.get(ii);
1492                if(!currentSession.isClosed())
1493                {
1494                    throw new VerifyFailedException("Session with index " + ii + " is not closed.");
1495                }
1496            }
1497        }
1499        /**
1500         * Verifies that all sessions are recovered.
1501         * The sessions have to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
1502         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1503         */
1504        public void verifyAllSessionsRecovered()
1505        {
1506            List sessions = getSessionList();
1507            if(null == sessions) return;
1508            for(int ii = 0; ii < sessions.size(); ii++)
1509            {
1510                MockSession currentSession = (MockSession)sessions.get(ii);
1511                if(!currentSession.isRecovered())
1512                {
1513                    throw new VerifyFailedException("Session with index " + ii + " is not recovered.");
1514                }
1515            }
1516        }
1518        /**
1519         * Verifies that all sessions were commited.
1520         * The sessions have to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
1521         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1522         */
1523        public void verifyAllSessionsCommitted()
1524        {
1525            List sessions = getSessionList();
1526            if(null == sessions) return;
1527            for(int ii = 0; ii < sessions.size(); ii++)
1528            {
1529                MockSession currentSession = (MockSession)sessions.get(ii);
1530                if(!currentSession.isCommitted())
1531                {
1532                    throw new VerifyFailedException("Session with index " + ii + " is not committed.");
1533                }
1534            }
1535        }
1537        /**
1538         * Verifies that all topic sessions were rolled back.
1539         * The sessions have to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
1540         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1541         */
1542        public void verifyAllSessionsRolledBack()
1543        {
1544            List sessions = getSessionList();
1545            if(null == sessions) return;
1546            for(int ii = 0; ii < sessions.size(); ii++)
1547            {
1548                MockSession currentSession = (MockSession)sessions.get(ii);
1549                if(!currentSession.isRolledBack())
1550                {
1551                    throw new VerifyFailedException("Session with index " + ii + " is not rolled back.");
1552                }
1553            }   
1554        }
1556        /**
1557         * Verifies the number of producers for the specified session.
1558         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
1559         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1560         * @param numberOfProducers the expected number of producers
1561         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1562         */
1563        public void verifyNumberMessageProducers(int indexOfSession, int numberOfProducers)
1564        {
1565            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1566            TransmissionManagerWrapper manager = getTransmissionManagerWrapper(indexOfSession);
1567            if(numberOfProducers != manager.getMessageProducerList().size())
1568            {
1569                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfProducers + " producers, actually " + manager.getMessageProducerList().size() + " producers present");
1570            }
1571        }
1573        /**
1574         * Verifies that all producers for the specified session are closed.
1575         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
1576         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1577         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1578         */
1579        public void verifyAllMessageProducersClosed(int indexOfSession)
1580        {
1581            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1582            TransmissionManagerWrapper manager = getTransmissionManagerWrapper(indexOfSession);
1583            List producers = manager.getMessageProducerList();
1584            for(int ii = 0; ii < producers.size(); ii++)
1585            {
1586                MockMessageProducer currentProducer = (MockMessageProducer)producers.get(ii);
1587                if(!currentProducer.isClosed())
1588                {
1589                    throw new VerifyFailedException("MessageProducer with index " + ii + " not closed.");
1590                }
1591            }
1592        }
1594        /**
1595         * Verifies the number of senders for the specified session.
1596         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
1597         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1598         * @param numberOfSenders the expected number of senders
1599         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1600         */
1601        public void verifyNumberQueueSenders(int indexOfSession, int numberOfSenders)
1602        {
1603            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1604            TransmissionManagerWrapper manager = getQueueTransmissionManagerWrapper(indexOfSession);
1605            if(numberOfSenders != manager.getQueueSenderList().size())
1606            {
1607                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfSenders + " senders, actually " + manager.getQueueSenderList().size() + " senders present");
1608            }
1609        }
1611        /**
1612         * Verifies the number of senders for the specified session and
1613         * the specified queue name.
1614         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
1615         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1616         * @param queueName the name of the queue
1617         * @param numberOfSenders the expected number of senders
1618         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1619         */
1620        public void verifyNumberQueueSenders(int indexOfSession, String queueName, int numberOfSenders)
1621        {
1622            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1623            checkQueueByName(queueName);
1624            QueueTransmissionManager manager = getQueueTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
1625            if(numberOfSenders != manager.getQueueSenderList(queueName).size())
1626            {
1627                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfSenders + " senders for queue " + queueName + ", actually " + manager.getQueueSenderList(queueName).size() + " senders present");
1628            }
1629        }
1631        /**
1632         * Verifies that the specified sender is closed.
1633         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
1634         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1635         * @param queueName the name of the queue
1636         * @param indexOfSender the index of the sender
1637         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1638         */
1639        public void verifyQueueSenderClosed(int indexOfSession, String queueName, int indexOfSender)
1640        {
1641            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1642            checkQueueByName(queueName);
1643            QueueTransmissionManager manager = getQueueTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
1644            List senders = manager.getQueueSenderList(queueName);
1645            if(indexOfSender >= senders.size())
1646            {
1647                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueSender with index " + indexOfSender + " is not present.");
1648            }
1649            MockQueueSender sender = (MockQueueSender)senders.get(indexOfSender);
1650            if(!sender.isClosed())
1651            {
1652                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueSender of queue " + queueName + " with index " + indexOfSender + " not closed.");
1653            }
1654        }
1656        /**
1657         * Verifies that all senders for the specified session are closed.
1658         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
1659         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1660         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1661         */
1662        public void verifyAllQueueSendersClosed(int indexOfSession)
1663        {
1664            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1665            TransmissionManagerWrapper manager = getQueueTransmissionManagerWrapper(indexOfSession);
1666            List senders = manager.getQueueSenderList();
1667            for(int ii = 0; ii < senders.size(); ii++)
1668            {
1669                MockQueueSender currentSender = (MockQueueSender)senders.get(ii);
1670                if(!currentSender.isClosed())
1671                {
1672                    throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueSender with index " + ii + " not closed.");
1673                }
1674            }
1675        }
1677        /**
1678         * Verifies the number of publishers for the specified session.
1679         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1680         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1681         * @param numberOfPublishers the expected number of publishers
1682         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1683         */
1684        public void verifyNumberTopicPublishers(int indexOfSession, int numberOfPublishers)
1685        {
1686            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1687            TransmissionManagerWrapper manager = getTopicTransmissionManagerWrapper(indexOfSession);
1688            if(numberOfPublishers != manager.getTopicPublisherList().size())
1689            {
1690                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfPublishers + " publishers, actually " + manager.getTopicPublisherList().size() + " publishers present");
1691            }
1692        }
1694        /**
1695         * Verifies the number of publishers for the specified session and
1696         * the specified topic name.
1697         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1698         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1699         * @param topicName the name of the topic
1700         * @param numberOfPublishers the expected number of publishers
1701         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1702         */
1703        public void verifyNumberTopicPublishers(int indexOfSession, String topicName, int numberOfPublishers)
1704        {
1705            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1706            checkTopicByName(topicName);
1707            TopicTransmissionManager manager = getTopicTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
1708            if(numberOfPublishers != manager.getTopicPublisherList(topicName).size())
1709            {
1710                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfPublishers + " publishers for topic " + topicName + ", actually " + manager.getTopicPublisherList(topicName).size() + " publishers present");
1711            }
1712        } 
1714        /**
1715         * Verifies that the specified publisher is closed.
1716         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1717         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1718         * @param topicName the name of the topic
1719         * @param indexOfPublisher the index of the publisher
1720         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1721         */
1722        public void verifyTopicPublisherClosed(int indexOfSession, String topicName, int indexOfPublisher)
1723        {
1724            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1725            checkTopicByName(topicName);
1726            TopicTransmissionManager manager = getTopicTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
1727            List publishers = manager.getTopicPublisherList(topicName);
1728            if(indexOfPublisher >= publishers.size())
1729            {
1730                throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicPublisher with index " + indexOfPublisher + " is not present.");
1731            }
1732            MockTopicPublisher publisher = (MockTopicPublisher)publishers.get(indexOfPublisher);
1733            if(!publisher.isClosed())
1734            {
1735                throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicPublisher of topic " + topicName + " with index " + indexOfPublisher + " not closed.");
1736            }
1737        }
1739        /**
1740         * Verifies that all publishers for the specified session are closed.
1741         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1742         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1743         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1744         */
1745        public void verifyAllTopicPublishersClosed(int indexOfSession)
1746        {
1747            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1748            TransmissionManagerWrapper manager = getTopicTransmissionManagerWrapper(indexOfSession);
1749            List publishers = manager.getTopicPublisherList();
1750            for(int ii = 0; ii < publishers.size(); ii++)
1751            {
1752                MockTopicPublisher currentPublisher = (MockTopicPublisher)publishers.get(ii);
1753                if(!currentPublisher.isClosed())
1754                {
1755                    throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicPublisher with index " + ii + " not closed.");
1756                }
1757            }
1758        }
1760        /**
1761         * Verifies the number of consumers for the specified session.
1762         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
1763         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1764         * @param numberOfConsumers the expected number of consumers
1765         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1766         */
1767        public void verifyNumberMessageConsumers(int indexOfSession, int numberOfConsumers)
1768        {
1769            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1770            TransmissionManagerWrapper manager = getTransmissionManagerWrapper(indexOfSession);
1771            if(numberOfConsumers != manager.getMessageConsumerList().size())
1772            {
1773                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfConsumers + " consumers, actually " + manager.getMessageConsumerList().size() + " consumers present");
1774            }
1775        }
1777        /**
1778         * Verifies that all consumers for the specified session are closed.
1779         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
1780         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1781         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1782         */
1783        public void verifyAllMessageConsumersClosed(int indexOfSession)
1784        {
1785            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1786            TransmissionManagerWrapper manager = getTransmissionManagerWrapper(indexOfSession);
1787            List consumers = manager.getMessageConsumerList();
1788            for(int ii = 0; ii < consumers.size(); ii++)
1789            {
1790                MockMessageConsumer currentConsumer = (MockMessageConsumer)consumers.get(ii);
1791                if(!currentConsumer.isClosed())
1792                {
1793                    throw new VerifyFailedException("MessageConsumer with index " + ii + " not closed.");
1794                }
1795            }
1796        }
1798        /**
1799         * Verifies the number of receivers for the specified session.
1800         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
1801         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1802         * @param numberOfReceivers the expected number of receivers
1803         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1804         */
1805        public void verifyNumberQueueReceivers(int indexOfSession, int numberOfReceivers)
1806        {
1807            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1808            QueueTransmissionManager manager = getQueueTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
1809            if(numberOfReceivers != manager.getQueueReceiverList().size())
1810            {
1811                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfReceivers + " receivers, actually " + manager.getQueueReceiverList().size() + " receivers present");
1812            }
1813        }
1815        /**
1816         * Verifies the number of receivers for the specified session and
1817         * the specified queue name.
1818         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
1819         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1820         * @param queueName the name of the queue
1821         * @param numberOfReceivers the expected number of receivers
1822         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1823         */
1824        public void verifyNumberQueueReceivers(int indexOfSession, String queueName, int numberOfReceivers)
1825        {
1826            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1827            checkQueueByName(queueName);
1828            QueueTransmissionManager manager = getQueueTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
1829            if(numberOfReceivers != manager.getQueueReceiverList(queueName).size())
1830            {
1831                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfReceivers + " receivers for queue " + queueName + ", actually " + manager.getQueueReceiverList(queueName).size() + " receivers present");
1832            }
1833        }
1835        /**
1836         * Verifies that the specified receiver is closed.
1837         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
1838         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1839         * @param queueName the name of the queue
1840         * @param indexOfReceiver the index of the receiver
1841         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1842         */
1843        public void verifyQueueReceiverClosed(int indexOfSession, String queueName, int indexOfReceiver)
1844        {
1845            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1846            checkQueueByName(queueName);
1847            QueueTransmissionManager manager = getQueueTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
1848            List receivers = manager.getQueueReceiverList(queueName);
1849            if(indexOfReceiver >= receivers.size())
1850            {
1851                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueReceiver with index " + indexOfReceiver + " is not present.");
1852            }
1853            MockQueueReceiver receiver = (MockQueueReceiver)receivers.get(indexOfReceiver);
1854            if(!receiver.isClosed())
1855            {
1856                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueReceiver of queue " + queueName + " with index " + indexOfReceiver + " not closed.");
1857            }
1858        }
1860        /**
1861         * Verifies that all receivers for the specified session are closed.
1862         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
1863         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1864         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1865         */
1866        public void verifyAllQueueReceiversClosed(int indexOfSession)
1867        {
1868            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1869            QueueTransmissionManager manager = getQueueTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
1870            List receivers = manager.getQueueReceiverList();
1871            for(int ii = 0; ii < receivers.size(); ii++)
1872            {
1873                MockQueueReceiver currentReceiver = (MockQueueReceiver)receivers.get(ii);
1874                if(!currentReceiver.isClosed())
1875                {
1876                    throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueReceiver with index " + ii + " not closed.");
1877                }
1878            }
1879        }
1881        /**
1882         * Verifies the number of subscribers for the specified session.
1883         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1884         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1885         * @param numberOfSubscribers the expected number of subscribers
1886         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1887         */
1888        public void verifyNumberTopicSubscribers(int indexOfSession, int numberOfSubscribers)
1889        {
1890            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1891            TopicTransmissionManager manager = getTopicTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
1892            if(numberOfSubscribers != manager.getTopicSubscriberList().size())
1893            {
1894                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfSubscribers + " subscribers, actually " + manager.getTopicSubscriberList().size() + " subscribers present");
1895            }
1896        }
1898        /**
1899         * Verifies the number of subscribers for the specified session and
1900         * the specified topic name.
1901         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1902         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1903         * @param topicName the name of the topic
1904         * @param numberOfSubscribers the expected number of subscribers
1905         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1906         */
1907        public void verifyNumberTopicSubscribers(int indexOfSession, String topicName, int numberOfSubscribers)
1908        {
1909            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1910            checkTopicByName(topicName);
1911            TopicTransmissionManager manager = getTopicTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
1912            if(numberOfSubscribers != manager.getTopicSubscriberList(topicName).size())
1913            {
1914                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfSubscribers + " subscribers for topic " + topicName + ", actually " + manager.getTopicSubscriberList(topicName).size() + " subscribers present");
1915            }
1916        }
1918        /**
1919         * Verifies that the specified subscriber is closed.
1920         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1921         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1922         * @param topicName the name of the topic
1923         * @param indexOfSubscriber the index of the receiver
1924         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1925         */
1926        public void verifyTopicSubscriberClosed(int indexOfSession, String topicName, int indexOfSubscriber)
1927        {
1928            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1929            checkTopicByName(topicName);
1930            TopicTransmissionManager manager = getTopicTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
1931            List subscribers = manager.getTopicSubscriberList(topicName);
1932            if(indexOfSubscriber >= subscribers.size())
1933            {
1934                throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicSubscriber with index " + indexOfSubscriber + " is not present.");
1935            }
1936            MockTopicSubscriber subscriber = (MockTopicSubscriber)subscribers.get(indexOfSubscriber);
1937            if(!subscriber.isClosed())
1938            {
1939                throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicSubscriber of topic " + topicName + " with index " + indexOfSubscriber + " not closed.");
1940            }
1941        }
1943        /**
1944         * Verifies that all subscribers for the specified session are closed.
1945         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
1946         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1947         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1948         */
1949        public void verifyAllTopicSubscribersClosed(int indexOfSession)
1950        {
1951            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1952            TopicTransmissionManager manager = getTopicTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
1953            List subscribers = manager.getTopicSubscriberList();
1954            for(int ii = 0; ii < subscribers.size(); ii++)
1955            {
1956                MockTopicSubscriber currentSubscriber = (MockTopicSubscriber)subscribers.get(ii);
1957                if(!currentSubscriber.isClosed())
1958                {
1959                    throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicSubscriber with index " + ii + " not closed.");
1960                }
1961            }
1962        }
1964        /**
1965         * Verifies the number of browsers for the specified session.
1966         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
1967         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1968         * @param numberOfBrowsers the expected number of browsers
1969         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1970         */
1971        public void verifyNumberQueueBrowsers(int indexOfSession, int numberOfBrowsers)
1972        {
1973            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1974            QueueTransmissionManager manager = getQueueTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
1975            if(numberOfBrowsers != manager.getQueueBrowserList().size())
1976            {
1977                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfBrowsers + " browsers, actually " + manager.getQueueBrowserList().size() + " browsers present");
1978            }
1979        }
1981        /**
1982         * Verifies the number of browsers for the specified session and
1983         * the specified queue name.
1984         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
1985         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
1986         * @param queueName the name of the queue
1987         * @param numberOfBrowsers the expected number of browsers
1988         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
1989         */
1990        public void verifyNumberQueueBrowsers(int indexOfSession, String queueName, int numberOfBrowsers)
1991        {
1992            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
1993            checkQueueByName(queueName);
1994            QueueTransmissionManager manager = getQueueTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
1995            if(numberOfBrowsers != manager.getQueueBrowserList(queueName).size())
1996            {
1997                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfBrowsers + " browsers for queue " + queueName + ", actually " + manager.getQueueBrowserList(queueName).size() + " browsers present");
1998            }
1999        }
2001        /**
2002         * Verifies that the specified browser is closed.
2003         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2004         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2005         * @param queueName the name of the queue
2006         * @param indexOfBrowser the index of the browser
2007         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2008         */
2009        public void verifyQueueBrowserClosed(int indexOfSession, String queueName, int indexOfBrowser)
2010        {
2011            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2012            checkQueueByName(queueName);
2013            QueueTransmissionManager manager = getQueueTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
2014            List browsers = manager.getQueueBrowserList(queueName);
2015            if(indexOfBrowser >= browsers.size())
2016            {
2017                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueBrowser with index " + indexOfBrowser + " is not present.");
2018            }
2019            MockQueueBrowser browser = (MockQueueBrowser)browsers.get(indexOfBrowser);
2020            if(!browser.isClosed())
2021            {
2022                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueBrowser of queue " + queueName + " with index " + indexOfBrowser + " not closed.");
2023            }
2024        }
2026        /**
2027         * Verifies that all browsers for the specified session are closed.
2028         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2029         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2030         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2031         */
2032        public void verifyAllQueueBrowsersClosed(int indexOfSession)
2033        {
2034            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2035            QueueTransmissionManager manager = getQueueTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
2036            List browsers = manager.getQueueBrowserList();
2037            for(int ii = 0; ii < browsers.size(); ii++)
2038            {
2039                MockQueueBrowser currentBrowser = (MockQueueBrowser)browsers.get(ii);
2040                if(!currentBrowser.isClosed())
2041                {
2042                    throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueBrowser with index " + ii + " not closed.");
2043                }
2044            }
2045        }
2047        /**
2048         * Verifies that a durable subscriber exists.
2049         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
2050         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2051         * @param name the name of the subscription
2052         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2053         */
2054        public void verifyDurableTopicSubscriberPresent(int indexOfSession, String name)
2055        {
2056            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2057            TopicTransmissionManager manager = getTopicTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
2058            if(null == manager.getDurableTopicSubscriber(name))
2059            {
2060                throw new VerifyFailedException("Durable subscriber with subscription name " + name + " not present.");
2061            }
2062        }
2064        /**
2065         * Verifies the number of durable subscribers for the specified session.
2066         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
2067         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2068         * @param numberOfSubscribers the expected number of durable subscribers
2069         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2070         */
2071        public void verifyNumberDurableTopicSubscribers(int indexOfSession, int numberOfSubscribers)
2072        {
2073            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2074            TopicTransmissionManager manager = getTopicTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
2075            if(numberOfSubscribers != manager.getDurableTopicSubscriberMap().size())
2076            {
2077                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfSubscribers + " durable subscribers, actually " + manager.getDurableTopicSubscriberMap().size() + " durable subscribers present");
2078            }
2079        }
2081        /**
2082         * Verifies the number of durable subscribers for the specified session and
2083         * the specified topic name.
2084         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
2085         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2086         * @param topicName the name of the topic
2087         * @param numberOfSubscribers the expected number of durable subscribers
2088         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2089         */
2090        public void verifyNumberDurableTopicSubscribers(int indexOfSession, String topicName, int numberOfSubscribers)
2091        {
2092            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2093            checkTopicByName(topicName);
2094            TopicTransmissionManager manager = getTopicTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
2095            if(numberOfSubscribers != manager.getDurableTopicSubscriberMap(topicName).size())
2096            {
2097                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfSubscribers + " durable subscribers for topic " + topicName + ", actually " + manager.getDurableTopicSubscriberMap(topicName).size() + " durable subscribers present");
2098            }
2099        }
2101        /**
2102         * Verifies that the specified durable subscriber is closed.
2103         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
2104         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2105         * @param name the name of the subscription
2106         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2107         */
2108        public void verifyDurableTopicSubscriberClosed(int indexOfSession, String name)
2109        {
2110            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2111            TopicTransmissionManager manager = getTopicTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
2112            MockTopicSubscriber subscriber = (MockTopicSubscriber)manager.getDurableTopicSubscriber(name);
2113            if(null == subscriber)
2114            {
2115                throw new VerifyFailedException("Durable TopicSubscriber with subscription name " + name + " not present.");
2116            }
2117            if(!subscriber.isClosed())
2118            {
2119                throw new VerifyFailedException("Durable TopicSubscriber with subscription name " + name + " not closed.");
2120            }
2121        }
2123        /**
2124         * Verifies that all durable subscribers for the specified session are closed.
2125         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
2126         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2127         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2128         */
2129        public void verifyAllDurableTopicSubscribersClosed(int indexOfSession)
2130        {
2131            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2132            TopicTransmissionManager manager = getTopicTransmissionManager(indexOfSession);
2133            Iterator keys = manager.getDurableTopicSubscriberMap().keySet().iterator();
2134            while(keys.hasNext())
2135            {
2136                MockTopicSubscriber currentSubscriber = (MockTopicSubscriber)manager.getDurableTopicSubscriberMap().get(keys.next());
2137                if(!currentSubscriber.isClosed())
2138                {
2139                    throw new VerifyFailedException("Durable TopicSubscriber with name " + currentSubscriber.getName() + " not closed.");
2140                }
2141            }
2142        }
2144        /**
2145         * Verifies the number of queue sessions.
2146         * The sessions have to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2147         * @param number the expected number of queue sessions
2148         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2149         */
2150        public void verifyNumberQueueSessions(int number)
2151        {
2152            if(number != getQueueSessionList().size())
2153            {
2154                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " queue sessions, actually " + getQueueSessionList().size() + " sessions present");
2155            }
2156        }
2158        /**
2159         * Verifies the number of topic sessions.
2160         * The sessions have to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
2161         * @param number the expected number of topic sessions
2162         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2163         */
2164        public void verifyNumberTopicSessions(int number)
2165        {
2166            if(number != getTopicSessionList().size())
2167            {
2168                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " topic sessions, actually " + getTopicSessionList().size() + " sessions present");
2169            }
2170        }
2172        /**
2173         * Verifies the number of sessions.
2174         * The sessions have to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
2175         * @param number the expected number of sessions
2176         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2177         */
2178        public void verifyNumberSessions(int number)
2179        {
2180            if(number != getSessionList().size())
2181            {
2182                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " sessions, actually " + getSessionList().size() + " sessions present");
2183            }
2184        }
2186        /**
2187         * Verifies the number of temporary queues.
2188         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2189         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2190         * @param numberQueues the expected number of temporary queues
2191         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2192         */
2193        public void verifyNumberTemporaryQueues(int indexOfSession, int numberQueues)
2194        {
2195            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2196            if(numberQueues != getTemporaryQueueList(indexOfSession).size())
2197            {
2198                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberQueues + " temporary queues, actually " + getTemporaryQueueList(indexOfSession).size() + " temporary queues present");
2199            }
2200        }
2202        /**
2203         * Verifies the number of temporary topics.
2204         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
2205         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2206         * @param numberTopics the expected number of temporary topics
2207         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2208         */
2209        public void verifyNumberTemporaryTopics(int indexOfSession, int numberTopics)
2210        {
2211            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2212            if(numberTopics != getTemporaryTopicList(indexOfSession).size())
2213            {
2214                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberTopics + " temporary topics, actually " + getTemporaryTopicList(indexOfSession).size() + " temporary topics present");
2215            }
2216        }
2218        /**
2219         * Verifies that the temporary queue with the specified index
2220         * was deleted.
2221         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2222         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2223         * @param indexOfQueue the index of the queue
2224         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2225         */
2226        public void verifyTemporaryQueueDeleted(int indexOfSession, int indexOfQueue)
2227        {
2228            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2229            MockTemporaryQueue queue = getTemporaryQueue(indexOfSession, indexOfQueue);
2230            if(null == queue)
2231            {
2232                throw new VerifyFailedException("TemporaryQueue with index " + indexOfQueue + " is not present.");
2233            }
2234            if(!queue.isDeleted())
2235            {
2236                throw new VerifyFailedException("TemporaryQueue with index " + indexOfQueue + " not deleted.");
2237            }
2238        }
2240        /**
2241         * Verifies that all temporary queues were deleted.
2242         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2243         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2244         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2245         */
2246        public void verifyAllTemporaryQueuesDeleted(int indexOfSession)
2247        {
2248            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2249            List queueList = getTemporaryQueueList(indexOfSession);
2250            for(int ii = 0; ii < queueList.size(); ii++)
2251            {
2252                MockTemporaryQueue currentQueue = (MockTemporaryQueue)queueList.get(ii);
2253                if(!currentQueue.isDeleted())
2254                {
2255                    throw new VerifyFailedException("TemporaryQueue with index " + ii + " not deleted.");
2256                }
2257            }
2258        }
2260        /**
2261         * Verifies that the temporary topic with the specified index
2262         * was closed.
2263         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
2264         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2265         * @param indexOfTopic the index of the topic
2266         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2267         */
2268        public void verifyTemporaryTopicDeleted(int indexOfSession, int indexOfTopic)
2269        {
2270            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2271            MockTemporaryTopic topic = getTemporaryTopic(indexOfSession, indexOfTopic);
2272            if(null == topic)
2273            {
2274                throw new VerifyFailedException("TemporaryTopic with index " + indexOfTopic + " is not present.");
2275            }
2276            if(!topic.isDeleted())
2277            {
2278                throw new VerifyFailedException("TemporaryTopic with index " + indexOfTopic + " not deleted.");
2279            }
2280        }
2282        /**
2283         * Verifies that all temporary topics were deleted.
2284         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
2285         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2286         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2287         */
2288        public void verifyAllTemporaryTopicsDeleted(int indexOfSession)
2289        {
2290            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2291            List topicList = getTemporaryTopicList(indexOfSession);
2292            for(int ii = 0; ii < topicList.size(); ii++)
2293            {
2294                MockTemporaryTopic currentTopic = (MockTemporaryTopic)topicList.get(ii);
2295                if(!currentTopic.isDeleted())
2296                {
2297                    throw new VerifyFailedException("TemporaryTopic with index " + ii + " not deleted.");
2298                }
2299            }
2300        }
2302        /**
2303         * Verifies that the specified messages are equal by calling the
2304         * <code>equals()</code> method. All mock messages provide a
2305         * suitable implementation of <code>equals()</code>.
2306         * @param message1 the first message
2307         * @param message2 the second message
2308         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2309         */
2310        public void verifyMessageEquals(MockMessage message1, MockMessage message2)
2311        {
2312            if(null == message1)
2313            {
2314                throw new VerifyFailedException("message1 is null");
2315            }
2316            if(null == message2)
2317            {
2318                throw new VerifyFailedException("message2 is null");
2319            }
2320            if(!message1.equals(message2))
2321            {
2322                throw new VerifyFailedException("messages not equal: message1: " + message1.toString() + ", message2: " + message2.toString());
2323            }
2324        }
2326        /**
2327         * Verifies that a message in the specified queue is equal to
2328         * the specified message by calling the <code>equals()</code> method. 
2329         * All mock messages provide a suitable implementation of <code>equals()</code>.
2330         * @param nameOfQueue the name of the queue
2331         * @param indexOfSourceMessage the index of the message in the queue
2332         * @param targetMessage the message that will be used for comparison
2333         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2334         */
2335        public void verifyCurrentQueueMessageEquals(String nameOfQueue, int indexOfSourceMessage, MockMessage targetMessage)
2336        {
2337            checkQueueByName(nameOfQueue);
2338            List messageList = getCurrentMessageListFromQueue(nameOfQueue);
2339            if(indexOfSourceMessage >= messageList.size())
2340            {
2341                throw new VerifyFailedException("Queue " + nameOfQueue + " contains only " + messageList.size() + " messages");
2342            }
2343            MockMessage sourceMessage = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfSourceMessage);
2344            verifyMessageEquals(sourceMessage, targetMessage);
2345        }
2347        /**
2348         * Verifies that a received message is equal to the specified message 
2349         * by calling the <code>equals()</code> method. 
2350         * All mock messages provide a suitable implementation of <code>equals()</code>.
2351         * @param nameOfQueue the name of the queue
2352         * @param indexOfSourceMessage the index of the received message
2353         * @param targetMessage the message that will be used for comparison
2354         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2355         */
2356        public void verifyReceivedQueueMessageEquals(String nameOfQueue, int indexOfSourceMessage, MockMessage targetMessage)
2357        {
2358            checkQueueByName(nameOfQueue);
2359            List messageList = getReceivedMessageListFromQueue(nameOfQueue);
2360            if(indexOfSourceMessage >= messageList.size())
2361            {
2362                throw new VerifyFailedException("Queue " + nameOfQueue + " received only " + messageList.size() + " messages");
2363            }
2364            MockMessage sourceMessage = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfSourceMessage);
2365            verifyMessageEquals(sourceMessage, targetMessage);
2366        }
2368        /**
2369         * Verifies that a message in the specified temporary queue is equal to
2370         * the specified message by calling the <code>equals()</code> method. 
2371         * All mock messages provide a suitable implementation of <code>equals()</code>.
2372         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2373         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2374         * @param indexOfQueue the index of the temporary queue
2375         * @param indexOfSourceMessage the index of the message in the queue
2376         * @param targetMessage the message that will be used for comparison
2377         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2378         */
2379        public void verifyCurrentQueueMessageEquals(int indexOfSession, int indexOfQueue, int indexOfSourceMessage, MockMessage targetMessage)
2380        {
2381            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2382            List messageList = getCurrentMessageListFromTemporaryQueue(indexOfSession, indexOfQueue);
2383            if(null == messageList)
2384            {
2385                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary queue with index " + indexOfQueue + " of session with index " + indexOfSession +  " does not exist");
2386            }
2387            if(indexOfSourceMessage >= messageList.size())
2388            {
2389                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary queue with index " + indexOfQueue + " contains only " + messageList.size() + " messages");
2390            }
2391            MockMessage sourceMessage = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfSourceMessage);
2392            verifyMessageEquals(sourceMessage, targetMessage);
2393        }
2395        /**
2396         * Verifies that a message received by a temporary queue is equal to the specified message 
2397         * by calling the <code>equals()</code> method. 
2398         * All mock messages provide a suitable implementation of <code>equals()</code>.
2399         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2400         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2401         * @param indexOfQueue the index of the temporary queue
2402         * @param indexOfSourceMessage the index of the received message
2403         * @param targetMessage the message that will be used for comparison
2404         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2405         */
2406        public void verifyReceivedQueueMessageEquals(int indexOfSession, int indexOfQueue, int indexOfSourceMessage, MockMessage targetMessage)
2407        {
2408            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2409            List messageList = getReceivedMessageListFromTemporaryQueue(indexOfSession, indexOfQueue);
2410            if(null == messageList)
2411            {
2412                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary queue with index " + indexOfQueue + " of session with index " + indexOfSession +  " does not exist");
2413            }
2414            if(indexOfSourceMessage >= messageList.size())
2415            {
2416                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary queue with index " + indexOfQueue + " received only " + messageList.size() + " messages");
2417            }
2418            MockMessage sourceMessage = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfSourceMessage);
2419            verifyMessageEquals(sourceMessage, targetMessage);
2420        }
2422        /**
2423         * Verifies the number of messages in a queue.
2424         * @param nameOfQueue the name of the queue
2425         * @param numberOfMessages the expected number of messages
2426         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2427         */
2428        public void verifyNumberOfCurrentQueueMessages(String nameOfQueue, int numberOfMessages)
2429        {
2430            checkQueueByName(nameOfQueue);
2431            List list = getCurrentMessageListFromQueue(nameOfQueue);
2432            if(numberOfMessages != list.size())
2433            {
2434                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfMessages + " messages in queue " + nameOfQueue + ", received " + list.size() + " messages");
2435            }
2436        }
2438        /**
2439         * Verifies the number of messages received by a queue.
2440         * @param nameOfQueue the name of the queue
2441         * @param numberOfMessages the expected number of messages
2442         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2443         */
2444        public void verifyNumberOfReceivedQueueMessages(String nameOfQueue, int numberOfMessages)
2445        {
2446            checkQueueByName(nameOfQueue);
2447            List list = getReceivedMessageListFromQueue(nameOfQueue);
2448            if(numberOfMessages != list.size())
2449            {
2450                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfMessages + " messages received by queue " + nameOfQueue + ", received " + list.size() + " messages");
2451            }
2452        }
2454        /**
2455         * Verifies the number of messages in a temporary queue.
2456         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2457         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2458         * @param indexOfQueue the index of the temporary queue
2459         * @param numberOfMessages the expected number of messages
2460         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2461         */
2462        public void verifyNumberOfCurrentQueueMessages(int indexOfSession, int indexOfQueue, int numberOfMessages)
2463        {
2464            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2465            List list = getCurrentMessageListFromTemporaryQueue(indexOfSession, indexOfQueue);
2466            if(null == list)
2467            {
2468                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary queue with index " + indexOfQueue + " of session with index " + indexOfSession +  " does not exist");
2469            }
2470            if(numberOfMessages != list.size())
2471            {
2472                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfMessages + " messages, received " + list.size() + " messages");
2473            }
2474        }
2476        /**
2477         * Verifies the number of messages received by a temporary queue.
2478         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2479         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2480         * @param indexOfQueue the index of the temporary queue
2481         * @param numberOfMessages the expected number of messages
2482         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2483         */
2484        public void verifyNumberOfReceivedQueueMessages(int indexOfSession, int indexOfQueue, int numberOfMessages)
2485        {
2486            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2487            List list = getReceivedMessageListFromTemporaryQueue(indexOfSession, indexOfQueue);
2488            if(null == list)
2489            {
2490                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary queue with index " + indexOfQueue + " of session with index " + indexOfSession +  " does not exist");
2491            }
2492            if(numberOfMessages != list.size())
2493            {
2494                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfMessages + " messages, received " + list.size() + " messages");
2495            }
2496        }
2498        /**
2499         * Verifies that all received messages of the specified queue 
2500         * are acknowledged.
2501         * @param nameOfQueue the name of the queue
2502         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2503         */
2504        public void verifyAllReceivedQueueMessagesAcknowledged(String nameOfQueue)
2505        {
2506            checkQueueByName(nameOfQueue);
2507            List messageList = getReceivedMessageListFromQueue(nameOfQueue);
2508            for(int ii = 0; ii < messageList.size(); ii++)
2509            {
2510                MockMessage currentMessage = (MockMessage)messageList.get(ii);
2511                if(!currentMessage.isAcknowledged())
2512                {
2513                    throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + ii + " of queue " + nameOfQueue + " is not acknowledged");
2514                }
2515            }
2516        }
2518        /**
2519         * Verifies that all received messages of the specified temporary queue 
2520         * are acknowledged.
2521         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2522         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2523         * @param indexOfQueue the index of the temporary queue
2524         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2525         */
2526        public void verifyAllReceivedQueueMessagesAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfQueue)
2527        {
2528            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2529            List messageList = getReceivedMessageListFromTemporaryQueue(indexOfSession, indexOfQueue);
2530            if(null == messageList)
2531            {
2532                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary queue with index " + indexOfQueue + " of session with index " + indexOfSession +  " does not exist");
2533            }
2534            for(int ii = 0; ii < messageList.size(); ii++)
2535            {
2536                MockMessage currentMessage = (MockMessage)messageList.get(ii);
2537                if(!currentMessage.isAcknowledged())
2538                {
2539                    throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + ii + " of temporary queue " + indexOfQueue + " is not acknowledged");
2540                }
2541            }
2542        }
2544        /**
2545         * Verifies that a received message is acknowledged.
2546         * @param nameOfQueue the name of the queue
2547         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the received message
2548         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2549         */
2550        public void verifyReceivedQueueMessageAcknowledged(String nameOfQueue, int indexOfMessage)
2551        {
2552            checkQueueByName(nameOfQueue);
2553            List messageList = getReceivedMessageListFromQueue(nameOfQueue);
2554            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
2555            {
2556                throw new VerifyFailedException("Queue " + nameOfQueue + " received only " + messageList.size() + " messages");
2557            }
2558            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
2559            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
2560            {
2561                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of queue " + nameOfQueue + " is not acknowledged");
2562            }
2563        }
2565        /**
2566         * Verifies that a received message is not acknowledged.
2567         * @param nameOfQueue the name of the queue
2568         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the received message
2569         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2570         */
2571        public void verifyReceivedQueueMessageNotAcknowledged(String nameOfQueue, int indexOfMessage)
2572        {
2573            checkQueueByName(nameOfQueue);
2574            List messageList = getReceivedMessageListFromQueue(nameOfQueue);
2575            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
2576            {
2577                throw new VerifyFailedException("Queue " + nameOfQueue + " received only " + messageList.size() + " messages");
2578            }
2579            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
2580            if(message.isAcknowledged())
2581            {
2582                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of queue " + nameOfQueue + " is acknowledged");
2583            }
2584        }
2586        /**
2587         * Verifies that message received by a temporary queue is acknowledged.
2588         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2589         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2590         * @param indexOfQueue the index of the temporary queue
2591         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the received message
2592         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2593         */
2594        public void verifyReceivedQueueMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfQueue, int indexOfMessage)
2595        {
2596            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2597            List messageList = getReceivedMessageListFromTemporaryQueue(indexOfSession, indexOfQueue);
2598            if(null == messageList)
2599            {
2600                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary queue with index " + indexOfQueue + " of session with index " + indexOfSession +  " does not exist");
2601            }
2602            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
2603            {
2604                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary queue with index " + indexOfQueue + " received only " + messageList.size() + " messages");
2605            }
2606            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
2607            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
2608            {
2609                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of temporary queue " + indexOfQueue + " is not acknowledged");
2610            }
2611        }
2613        /**
2614         * Verifies that a received by a temporary queue is not acknowledged.
2615         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2616         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2617         * @param indexOfQueue the index of the temporary queue
2618         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the received message
2619         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2620         */
2621        public void verifyReceivedQueueMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfQueue, int indexOfMessage)
2622        {
2623            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2624            List messageList = getReceivedMessageListFromTemporaryQueue(indexOfSession, indexOfQueue);
2625            if(null == messageList)
2626            {
2627                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary queue with index " + indexOfQueue + " of session with index " + indexOfSession +  " does not exist");
2628            }
2629            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
2630            {
2631                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary queue with index " + indexOfQueue + " received only " + messageList.size() + " messages");
2632            }
2633            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
2634            if(message.isAcknowledged())
2635            {
2636                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of temporary queue " + indexOfQueue + " is acknowledged");
2637            }
2638        }
2640        /**
2641         * Verifies the number of messages created with
2642         * {@link MockQueueSession#createMessage}.
2643         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2644         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2645         * @param number the expected number of messages
2646         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2647         */
2648        public void verifyNumberOfCreatedQueueMessages(int indexOfSession, int number)
2649        {
2650            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2651            if(number != getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMessageList().size())
2652            {
2653                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " messages, received " + getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMessageList().size() + " messages");
2654            }
2655        }
2657        /**
2658         * Verifies the number of bytes messages created with
2659         * {@link MockQueueSession#createBytesMessage}.
2660         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2661         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2662         * @param number the expected number of bytes messages
2663         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2664         */
2665        public void verifyNumberOfCreatedQueueBytesMessages(int indexOfSession, int number)
2666        {
2667            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2668            if(number != getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getBytesMessageList().size())
2669            {
2670                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " bytes messages, received " + getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getBytesMessageList().size() + " bytes messages");
2671            }
2672        }
2674        /**
2675         * Verifies the number of map messages created with
2676         * {@link MockQueueSession#createMapMessage}.
2677         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2678         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2679         * @param number the expected number of map messages
2680         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2681         */
2682        public void verifyNumberOfCreatedQueueMapMessages(int indexOfSession, int number)
2683        {
2684            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2685            if(number != getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMapMessageList().size())
2686            {
2687                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " map messages, received " + getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMapMessageList().size() + " map messages");
2688            }
2689        }
2691        /**
2692         * Verifies the number of text messages created with
2693         * {@link MockQueueSession#createTextMessage}.
2694         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2695         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2696         * @param number the expected number of text messages
2697         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2698         */
2699        public void verifyNumberOfCreatedQueueTextMessages(int indexOfSession, int number)
2700        {
2701            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2702            if(number != getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getTextMessageList().size())
2703            {
2704                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " text messages, received " + getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getTextMessageList().size() + " text messages");
2705            }
2706        }
2708        /**
2709         * Verifies the number of stream messages created with
2710         * {@link MockQueueSession#createStreamMessage}.
2711         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2712         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2713         * @param number the expected number of stream messages
2714         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2715         */
2716        public void verifyNumberOfCreatedQueueStreamMessages(int indexOfSession, int number)
2717        {
2718            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2719            if(number != getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getStreamMessageList().size())
2720            {
2721                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " stream messages, received " + getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getStreamMessageList().size() + " stream messages");
2722            }
2723        }
2725        /**
2726         * Verifies the number of object messages created with
2727         * {@link MockQueueSession#createObjectMessage}.
2728         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2729         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2730         * @param number the expected number of object messages
2731         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2732         */
2733        public void verifyNumberOfCreatedQueueObjectMessages(int indexOfSession, int number)
2734        {
2735            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2736            if(number != getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getObjectMessageList().size())
2737            {
2738                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " object messages, received " + getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getObjectMessageList().size() + " object messages");
2739            }
2740        }
2742        /**
2743         * Verifies that a message created with {@link MockQueueSession#createMessage} 
2744         * is acknowledged.
2745         * This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
2746         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
2747         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
2748         * the created message.
2749         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2750         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2751         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
2752         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2753         */
2754        public void verifyCreatedQueueMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
2755        {
2756            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2757            List messageList = getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMessageList();
2758            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
2759            {
2760                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
2761            }
2762            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
2763            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
2764            {
2765                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is not acknowledged");
2766            }
2767        }
2769        /**
2770         * Verifies that a message created with {@link MockQueueSession#createMessage} 
2771         * is not acknowledged.
2772         * This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
2773         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
2774         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
2775         * the created message.
2776         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2777         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2778         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
2779         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2780         */
2781        public void verifyCreatedQueueMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
2782        {
2783            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2784            List messageList = getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMessageList();
2785            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
2786            {
2787                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
2788            }
2789            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
2790            if(message.isAcknowledged())
2791            {
2792                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is acknowledged");
2793            } 
2794        }
2796        /**
2797         * Verifies that a bytes message created with {@link MockQueueSession#createMessage} 
2798         * is acknowledged.
2799         * This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
2800         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
2801         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
2802         * the created message.
2803         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2804         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2805         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
2806         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2807         */
2808        public void verifyCreatedQueueBytesMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
2809        {
2810            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2811            List messageList = getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getBytesMessageList();
2812            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
2813            {
2814                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " bytes messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
2815            }
2816            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
2817            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
2818            {
2819                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is not acknowledged");
2820            }
2821        }
2823        /**
2824         * Verifies that a bytes message created with {@link MockQueueSession#createMessage} 
2825         * is not acknowledged.
2826         * This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
2827         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
2828         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
2829         * the created message.
2830         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2831         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2832         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
2833         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2834         */
2835        public void verifyCreatedQueueBytesMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
2836        {
2837            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2838            List messageList = getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getBytesMessageList();
2839            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
2840            {
2841                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " bytes messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
2842            }
2843            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
2844            if(message.isAcknowledged())
2845            {
2846                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is acknowledged");
2847            }
2848        }
2850        /**
2851         * Verifies that a map message created with {@link MockQueueSession#createMessage} 
2852         * is acknowledged.
2853         * This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
2854         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
2855         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
2856         * the created message.
2857         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2858         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2859         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
2860         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2861         */
2862        public void verifyCreatedQueueMapMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
2863        {
2864            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2865            List messageList = getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMapMessageList();
2866            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
2867            {
2868                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " map messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
2869            }
2870            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
2871            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
2872            {
2873                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is not acknowledged");
2874            }
2875        }
2877        /**
2878         * Verifies that a map message created with {@link MockQueueSession#createMessage} 
2879         * is not acknowledged.
2880         * This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
2881         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
2882         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
2883         * the created message.
2884         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2885         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2886         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
2887         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2888         */
2889        public void verifyCreatedQueueMapMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
2890        {
2891            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2892            List messageList = getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMapMessageList();
2893            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
2894            {
2895                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " map messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
2896            }
2897            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
2898            if(message.isAcknowledged())
2899            {
2900                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is acknowledged");
2901            }
2902        }
2904        /**
2905         * Verifies that a text message created with {@link MockQueueSession#createMessage} 
2906         * is acknowledged.
2907         * This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
2908         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
2909         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
2910         * the created message.
2911         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2912         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2913         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
2914         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2915         */
2916        public void verifyCreatedQueueTextMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
2917        {
2918            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2919            List messageList = getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getTextMessageList();
2920            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
2921            {
2922                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " text messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
2923            }
2924            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
2925            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
2926            {
2927                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is not acknowledged");
2928            }
2929        }
2931        /**
2932         * Verifies that a text message created with {@link MockQueueSession#createMessage} 
2933         * is not acknowledged.
2934         * This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
2935         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
2936         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
2937         * the created message.
2938         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2939         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2940         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
2941         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2942         */
2943        public void verifyCreatedQueueTextMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
2944        {
2945            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2946            List messageList = getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getTextMessageList();
2947            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
2948            {
2949                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " text messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
2950            }
2951            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
2952            if(message.isAcknowledged())
2953            {
2954                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is acknowledged");
2955            }
2956        }
2958        /**
2959         * Verifies that a stream message created with {@link MockQueueSession#createMessage} 
2960         * is acknowledged.
2961         * This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
2962         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
2963         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
2964         * the created message.
2965         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2966         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2967         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
2968         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2969         */
2970        public void verifyCreatedQueueStreamMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
2971        {
2972            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
2973            List messageList = getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getStreamMessageList();
2974            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
2975            {
2976                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " stream messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
2977            }
2978            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
2979            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
2980            {
2981                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is not acknowledged");
2982            }
2983        }
2985        /**
2986         * Verifies that a stream message created with {@link MockQueueSession#createMessage} 
2987         * is not acknowledged.
2988         * This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
2989         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
2990         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
2991         * the created message.
2992         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
2993         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
2994         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
2995         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
2996         */
2997        public void verifyCreatedQueueStreamMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
2998        {
2999            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3000            List messageList = getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getStreamMessageList();
3001            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3002            {
3003                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " stream messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3004            }
3005            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3006            if(message.isAcknowledged())
3007            {
3008                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is acknowledged");
3009            }
3010        }
3012        /**
3013         * Verifies that a object message created with {@link MockQueueSession#createMessage} 
3014         * is acknowledged.
3015         * This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
3016         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
3017         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
3018         * the created message.
3019         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
3020         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3021         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
3022         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3023         */
3024        public void verifyCreatedQueueObjectMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
3025        {
3026            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3027            List messageList = getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getObjectMessageList();
3028            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3029            {
3030                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " object messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3031            }
3032            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3033            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
3034            {
3035                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is not acknowledged");
3036            }
3037        }
3039        /**
3040         * Verifies that a object message created with {@link MockQueueSession#createMessage} 
3041         * is not acknowledged.
3042         * This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
3043         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
3044         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
3045         * the created message.
3046         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockQueueConnection}.
3047         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3048         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
3049         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3050         */
3051        public void verifyCreatedQueueObjectMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
3052        {
3053            checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3054            List messageList = getQueueMessageManager(indexOfSession).getObjectMessageList();
3055            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3056            {
3057                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " object messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3058            }
3059            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3060            if(message.isAcknowledged())
3061            {
3062                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is acknowledged");
3063            }
3064        }
3066        /**
3067         * Verifies that a message in the specified topic is equal to
3068         * the specified message by calling the <code>equals()</code> method. 
3069         * All mock messages provide a suitable implementation of <code>equals()</code>.
3070         * @param nameOfTopic the name of the topic
3071         * @param indexOfSourceMessage the index of the message in the topic
3072         * @param targetMessage the message that will be used for comparison
3073         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3074         */
3075        public void verifyCurrentTopicMessageEquals(String nameOfTopic, int indexOfSourceMessage, MockMessage targetMessage)
3076        {
3077            checkTopicByName(nameOfTopic);
3078            List messageList = getCurrentMessageListFromTopic(nameOfTopic);
3079            if(indexOfSourceMessage >= messageList.size())
3080            {
3081                throw new VerifyFailedException("Topic " + nameOfTopic + " contains only " + messageList.size() + " messages");
3082            }
3083            MockMessage sourceMessage = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfSourceMessage);
3084            verifyMessageEquals(sourceMessage, targetMessage);
3085        }
3087        /**
3088         * Verifies that a received message is equal to the specified message 
3089         * by calling the <code>equals()</code> method. 
3090         * All mock messages provide a suitable implementation of <code>equals()</code>.
3091         * @param nameOfTopic the name of the topic
3092         * @param indexOfSourceMessage the index of the received message
3093         * @param targetMessage the message that will be used for comparison
3094         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3095         */
3096        public void verifyReceivedTopicMessageEquals(String nameOfTopic, int indexOfSourceMessage, MockMessage targetMessage)
3097        {
3098            checkTopicByName(nameOfTopic);
3099            List messageList = getReceivedMessageListFromTopic(nameOfTopic);
3100            if(indexOfSourceMessage >= messageList.size())
3101            {
3102                throw new VerifyFailedException("Topic " + nameOfTopic + " received only " + messageList.size() + " messages");
3103            }
3104            MockMessage sourceMessage = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfSourceMessage);
3105            verifyMessageEquals(sourceMessage, targetMessage);
3106        }
3108        /**
3109         * Verifies that a message in the specified temporary topic is equal to
3110         * the specified message by calling the <code>equals()</code> method. 
3111         * All mock messages provide a suitable implementation of <code>equals()</code>.
3112         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3113         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3114         * @param indexOfTopic the index of the temporary topic
3115         * @param indexOfSourceMessage the index of the message in the topic
3116         * @param targetMessage the message that will be used for comparison
3117         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3118         */
3119        public void verifyCurrentTopicMessageEquals(int indexOfSession, int indexOfTopic, int indexOfSourceMessage, MockMessage targetMessage)
3120        {
3121            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3122            List messageList = getCurrentMessageListFromTemporaryTopic(indexOfSession, indexOfTopic);
3123            if(null == messageList)
3124            {
3125                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary topic with index " + indexOfTopic + " of session with index " + indexOfSession +  " does not exist");
3126            }
3127            if(indexOfSourceMessage >= messageList.size())
3128            {
3129                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary topic with index " + indexOfTopic + " contains only " + messageList.size() + " messages");
3130            }
3131            MockMessage sourceMessage = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfSourceMessage);
3132            verifyMessageEquals(sourceMessage, targetMessage);
3133        }
3135        /**
3136         * Verifies that a message received by a temporary topic is equal to the specified message 
3137         * by calling the <code>equals()</code> method. 
3138         * All mock messages provide a suitable implementation of <code>equals()</code>.
3139         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3140         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3141         * @param indexOfTopic the index of the temporary topic
3142         * @param indexOfSourceMessage the index of the received message
3143         * @param targetMessage the message that will be used for comparison
3144         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3145         */
3146        public void verifyReceivedTopicMessageEquals(int indexOfSession, int indexOfTopic, int indexOfSourceMessage, MockMessage targetMessage)
3147        {
3148            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3149            List messageList = getReceivedMessageListFromTemporaryTopic(indexOfSession, indexOfTopic);
3150            if(null == messageList)
3151            {
3152                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary topic with index " + indexOfTopic + " of session with index " + indexOfSession +  " does not exist");
3153            }
3154            if(indexOfSourceMessage >= messageList.size())
3155            {
3156                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary topic with index " + indexOfTopic + " received only " + messageList.size() + " messages");
3157            }
3158            MockMessage sourceMessage = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfSourceMessage);
3159            verifyMessageEquals(sourceMessage, targetMessage);
3160        }
3162        /**
3163         * Verifies the number of messages in a topic.
3164         * @param nameOfTopic the name of the topic
3165         * @param numberOfMessages the expected number of messages
3166         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3167         */
3168        public void verifyNumberOfCurrentTopicMessages(String nameOfTopic, int numberOfMessages)
3169        {
3170            checkTopicByName(nameOfTopic);
3171            List list = getCurrentMessageListFromTopic(nameOfTopic);
3172            if(numberOfMessages != list.size())
3173            {
3174                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfMessages + " messages in topic " + nameOfTopic + ", received " + list.size() + " messages");
3175            }
3176        }
3178        /**
3179         * Verifies the number of messages received by a topic.
3180         * @param nameOfTopic the name of the topic
3181         * @param numberOfMessages the expected number of messages
3182         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3183         */
3184        public void verifyNumberOfReceivedTopicMessages(String nameOfTopic, int numberOfMessages)
3185        {
3186            checkTopicByName(nameOfTopic);
3187            List list = getReceivedMessageListFromTopic(nameOfTopic);
3188            if(numberOfMessages != list.size())
3189            {
3190                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfMessages + " messages received by topic " + nameOfTopic + ", received " + list.size() + " messages");
3191            }
3192        }
3194        /**
3195         * Verifies the number of messages in a temporary topic.
3196         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3197         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3198         * @param indexOfTopic the index of the temporary topic
3199         * @param numberOfMessages the expected number of messages
3200         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3201         */
3202        public void verifyNumberOfCurrentTopicMessages(int indexOfSession, int indexOfTopic, int numberOfMessages)
3203        {
3204            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3205            List list = getCurrentMessageListFromTemporaryTopic(indexOfSession, indexOfTopic);
3206            if(null == list)
3207            {
3208                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary topic with index " + indexOfTopic + " of session with index " + indexOfSession +  " does not exist");
3209            }
3210            if(numberOfMessages != list.size())
3211            {
3212                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfMessages + " messages, received " + list.size() + " messages");
3213            }
3214        }
3216        /**
3217         * Verifies the number of messages received by a temporary topic.
3218         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3219         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3220         * @param indexOfTopic the index of the temporary topic
3221         * @param numberOfMessages the expected number of messages
3222         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3223         */
3224        public void verifyNumberOfReceivedTopicMessages(int indexOfSession, int indexOfTopic, int numberOfMessages)
3225        {
3226            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3227            List list = getReceivedMessageListFromTemporaryTopic(indexOfSession, indexOfTopic);
3228            if(null == list)
3229            {
3230                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary topic with index " + indexOfTopic + " of session with index " + indexOfSession +  " does not exist");
3231            }
3232            if(numberOfMessages != list.size())
3233            {
3234                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + numberOfMessages + " messages, received " + list.size() + " messages");
3235            }
3236        }
3238        /**
3239         * Verifies that all received messages of the specified topic 
3240         * are acknowledged.
3241         * @param nameOfTopic the name of the topic
3242         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3243         */
3244        public void verifyAllReceivedTopicMessagesAcknowledged(String nameOfTopic)
3245        {
3246            checkTopicByName(nameOfTopic);
3247            List messageList = getReceivedMessageListFromTopic(nameOfTopic);
3248            for(int ii = 0; ii < messageList.size(); ii++)
3249            {
3250                MockMessage currentMessage = (MockMessage)messageList.get(ii);
3251                if(!currentMessage.isAcknowledged())
3252                {
3253                    throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + ii + " of topic " + nameOfTopic + " is not acknowledged");
3254                }
3255            }
3256        }
3258        /**
3259         * Verifies that all received messages of the specified temporary topic 
3260         * are acknowledged.
3261         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3262         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3263         * @param indexOfTopic the index of the temporary topic
3264         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3265         */
3266        public void verifyAllReceivedTopicMessagesAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfTopic)
3267        {
3268            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3269            List messageList = getReceivedMessageListFromTemporaryTopic(indexOfSession, indexOfTopic);
3270            if(null == messageList)
3271            {
3272                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary topic with index " + indexOfTopic + " of session with index " + indexOfSession +  " does not exist");
3273            }
3274            for(int ii = 0; ii < messageList.size(); ii++)
3275            {
3276                MockMessage currentMessage = (MockMessage)messageList.get(ii);
3277                if(!currentMessage.isAcknowledged())
3278                {
3279                    throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + ii + " of temporary topic " + indexOfTopic + " is not acknowledged");
3280                }
3281            }
3282        }
3284        /**
3285         * Verifies that a received message is acknowledged.
3286         * @param nameOfTopic the name of the topic
3287         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the received message
3288         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3289         */
3290        public void verifyReceivedTopicMessageAcknowledged(String nameOfTopic, int indexOfMessage)
3291        {
3292            checkTopicByName(nameOfTopic);
3293            List messageList = getReceivedMessageListFromTopic(nameOfTopic);
3294            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3295            {
3296                throw new VerifyFailedException("Topic " + nameOfTopic + " received only " + messageList.size() + " messages");
3297            }
3298            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3299            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
3300            {
3301                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of topic " + nameOfTopic + " is not acknowledged");
3302            }
3303        }
3305        /**
3306         * Verifies that a received message is not acknowledged. 
3307         * @param nameOfTopic the name of the topic
3308         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the received message
3309         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3310         */
3311        public void verifyReceivedTopicMessageNotAcknowledged(String nameOfTopic, int indexOfMessage)
3312        {
3313            checkTopicByName(nameOfTopic);
3314            List messageList = getReceivedMessageListFromTopic(nameOfTopic);
3315            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3316            {
3317                throw new VerifyFailedException("Topic " + nameOfTopic + " received only " + messageList.size() + " messages");
3318            }
3319            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3320            if(message.isAcknowledged())
3321            {
3322                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of topic " + nameOfTopic + " is acknowledged");
3323            }
3324        }
3326        /**
3327         * Verifies that a message received by a temporary topic is acknowledged.
3328         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3329         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3330         * @param indexOfTopic the index of the temporary topic
3331         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the received message
3332         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3333         */
3334        public void verifyReceivedTopicMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfTopic, int indexOfMessage)
3335        {
3336            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3337            List messageList = getReceivedMessageListFromTemporaryTopic(indexOfSession, indexOfTopic);
3338            if(null == messageList)
3339            {
3340                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary topic with index " + indexOfTopic + " of session with index " + indexOfSession +  " does not exist");
3341            }
3342            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3343            {
3344                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary topic with index " + indexOfTopic + " received only " + messageList.size() + " messages");
3345            }
3346            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3347            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
3348            {
3349                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of temporary topic " + indexOfTopic + " is not acknowledged");
3350            }
3351        }
3353        /**
3354         * Verifies that a message received by a temporary topic is not acknowledged.
3355         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3356         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3357         * @param indexOfTopic the index of the temporary topic
3358         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the received message
3359         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3360         */
3361        public void verifyReceivedTopicMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfTopic, int indexOfMessage)
3362        {
3363            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3364            List messageList = getReceivedMessageListFromTemporaryTopic(indexOfSession, indexOfTopic);
3365            if(null == messageList)
3366            {
3367                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary topic with index " + indexOfTopic + " of session with index " + indexOfSession +  " does not exist");
3368            }
3369            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3370            {
3371                throw new VerifyFailedException("Temporary topic with index " + indexOfTopic + " received only " + messageList.size() + " messages");
3372            }
3373            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3374            if(message.isAcknowledged())
3375            {
3376                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of temporary topic " + indexOfTopic + " is acknowledged");
3377            }
3378        }
3380        /**
3381         * Verifies the number of messages created with 
3382         * {@link MockTopicSession#createMessage}.
3383         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3384         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3385         * @param number the expected number of messages
3386         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3387         */
3388        public void verifyNumberOfCreatedTopicMessages(int indexOfSession, int number)
3389        {
3390            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3391            if(number != getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMessageList().size())
3392            {
3393                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " messages, received " + getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMessageList().size() + " messages");
3394            }
3395        }
3397        /**
3398         * Verifies the number of bytes messages created with
3399         * {@link MockTopicSession#createBytesMessage}.
3400         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3401         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3402         * @param number the expected number of bytes messages
3403         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3404         */
3405        public void verifyNumberOfCreatedTopicBytesMessages(int indexOfSession, int number)
3406        {
3407            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3408            if(number != getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getBytesMessageList().size())
3409            {
3410                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " bytes messages, received " + getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getBytesMessageList().size() + " bytes messages");
3411            }
3412        }
3414        /**
3415         * Verifies the number of map messages created with
3416         * {@link MockTopicSession#createMapMessage}.
3417         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3418         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3419         * @param number the expected number of map messages
3420         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3421         */
3422        public void verifyNumberOfCreatedTopicMapMessages(int indexOfSession, int number)
3423        {
3424            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3425            if(number != getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMapMessageList().size())
3426            {
3427                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " map messages, received " + getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMapMessageList().size() + " map messages");
3428            }
3429        }
3431        /**
3432         * Verifies the number of text messages created with
3433         * {@link MockTopicSession#createTextMessage}.
3434         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3435         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3436         * @param number the expected number of text messages
3437         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3438         */
3439        public void verifyNumberOfCreatedTopicTextMessages(int indexOfSession, int number)
3440        {
3441            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3442            if(number != getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getTextMessageList().size())
3443            {
3444                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " text messages, received " + getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getTextMessageList().size() + " text messages");
3445            }
3446        }
3448        /**
3449         * Verifies the number of stream messages created with
3450         * {@link MockTopicSession#createStreamMessage}.
3451         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3452         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3453         * @param number the expected number of stream messages
3454         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3455         */
3456        public void verifyNumberOfCreatedTopicStreamMessages(int indexOfSession, int number)
3457        {
3458            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3459            if(number != getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getStreamMessageList().size())
3460            {
3461                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " stream messages, received " + getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getStreamMessageList().size() + " stream messages");
3462            }
3463        }
3465        /**
3466         * Verifies the number of object messages created with
3467         * {@link MockTopicSession#createObjectMessage}.
3468         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3469         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3470         * @param number the expected number of object messages
3471         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3472         */
3473        public void verifyNumberOfCreatedTopicObjectMessages(int indexOfSession, int number)
3474        {
3475            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3476            if(number != getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getObjectMessageList().size())
3477            {
3478                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " object messages, received " + getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getObjectMessageList().size() + " object messages");
3479            }
3480        }
3482        /**
3483         * Verifies that a message created with {@link MockTopicSession#createMessage} 
3484         * is acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
3485         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
3486         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
3487         * the created message.
3488         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3489         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3490         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
3491         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3492         */
3493        public void verifyCreatedTopicMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
3494        {
3495            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3496            List messageList = getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMessageList();
3497            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3498            {
3499                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3500            }
3501            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3502            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
3503            {
3504                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is not acknowledged");
3505            }
3506        }
3508        /**
3509         * Verifies that a message created with {@link MockTopicSession#createMessage} 
3510         * is not acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
3511         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
3512         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
3513         * the created message.
3514         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3515         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3516         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
3517         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3518         */
3519        public void verifyCreatedTopicMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
3520        {
3521            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3522            List messageList = getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMessageList();
3523            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3524            {
3525                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3526            }
3527            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3528            if(message.isAcknowledged())
3529            {
3530                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is acknowledged");
3531            }
3532        }
3534        /**
3535         * Verifies that a bytes message created with {@link MockTopicSession#createMessage} 
3536         * is acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
3537         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
3538         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
3539         * the created message.
3540         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3541         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3542         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
3543         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3544         */
3545        public void verifyCreatedTopicBytesMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
3546        {
3547            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3548            List messageList = getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getBytesMessageList();
3549            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3550            {
3551                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " bytes messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3552            }
3553            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3554            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
3555            {
3556                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is not acknowledged");
3557            }
3558        }
3560        /**
3561         * Verifies that a bytes message created with {@link MockTopicSession#createMessage} 
3562         * is not acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
3563         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
3564         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
3565         * the created message.
3566         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3567         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3568         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
3569         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3570         */
3571        public void verifyCreatedTopicBytesMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
3572        {
3573            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3574            List messageList = getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getBytesMessageList();
3575            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3576            {
3577                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " bytes messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3578            }
3579            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3580            if(message.isAcknowledged())
3581            {
3582                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is acknowledged");
3583            }
3584        }
3586        /**
3587         * Verifies that a map message created with {@link MockTopicSession#createMessage} 
3588         * is acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
3589         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
3590         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
3591         * the created message.
3592         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3593         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3594         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
3595         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3596         */
3597        public void verifyCreatedTopicMapMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
3598        {
3599            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3600            List messageList = getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMapMessageList();
3601            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3602            {
3603                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " map messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3604            }
3605            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3606            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
3607            {
3608                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is not acknowledged");
3609            }
3610        }
3612        /**
3613         * Verifies that a map message created with {@link MockTopicSession#createMessage} 
3614         * is not acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
3615         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
3616         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
3617         * the created message.
3618         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3619         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3620         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
3621         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3622         */
3623        public void verifyCreatedTopicMapMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
3624        {
3625            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3626            List messageList = getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMapMessageList();
3627            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3628            {
3629                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " map messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3630            }
3631            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3632            if(message.isAcknowledged())
3633            {
3634                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is acknowledged");
3635            }
3636        }
3638        /**
3639         * Verifies that a text message created with {@link MockTopicSession#createMessage} 
3640         * is acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
3641         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
3642         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
3643         * the created message.
3644         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3645         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3646         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
3647         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3648         */
3649        public void verifyCreatedTopicTextMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
3650        {
3651            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3652            List messageList = getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getTextMessageList();
3653            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3654            {
3655                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " text messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3656            }
3657            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3658            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
3659            {
3660                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is not acknowledged");
3661            }
3662        }
3664        /**
3665         * Verifies that a text message created with {@link MockTopicSession#createMessage} 
3666         * is not acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
3667         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
3668         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
3669         * the created message.
3670         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3671         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3672         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
3673         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3674         */
3675        public void verifyCreatedTopicTextMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
3676        {
3677            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3678            List messageList = getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getTextMessageList();
3679            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3680            {
3681                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " text messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3682            }
3683            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3684            if(message.isAcknowledged())
3685            {
3686                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is acknowledged");
3687            }
3688        }
3690        /**
3691         * Verifies that a stream message created with {@link MockTopicSession#createMessage} 
3692         * is acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
3693         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
3694         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
3695         * the created message.
3696         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3697         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3698         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
3699         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3700         */
3701        public void verifyCreatedTopicStreamMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
3702        {
3703            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3704            List messageList = getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getStreamMessageList();
3705            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3706            {
3707                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " stream messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3708            }
3709            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3710            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
3711            {
3712                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is not acknowledged");
3713            }
3714        }
3716        /**
3717         * Verifies that a stream message created with {@link MockTopicSession#createMessage} 
3718         * is not acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
3719         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
3720         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
3721         * the created message.
3722         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3723         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3724         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
3725         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3726         */
3727        public void verifyCreatedTopicStreamMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
3728        {
3729            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3730            List messageList = getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getStreamMessageList();
3731            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3732            {
3733                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " stream messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3734            }
3735            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3736            if(message.isAcknowledged())
3737            {
3738                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is acknowledged");
3739            }
3740        }
3742        /**
3743         * Verifies that a object message created with {@link MockTopicSession#createMessage} 
3744         * is acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
3745         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
3746         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
3747         * the created message.
3748         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3749         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3750         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
3751         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3752         */
3753        public void verifyCreatedTopicObjectMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
3754        {
3755            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3756            List messageList = getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getObjectMessageList();
3757            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3758            {
3759                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " object messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3760            }
3761            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3762            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
3763            {
3764                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is not acknowledged");
3765            }
3766        }
3768        /**
3769         * Verifies that a object message created with {@link MockTopicSession#createMessage} 
3770         * is not acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
3771         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
3772         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
3773         * the created message.
3774         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockTopicConnection}.
3775         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3776         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
3777         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3778         */
3779        public void verifyCreatedTopicObjectMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
3780        {
3781            checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3782            List messageList = getTopicMessageManager(indexOfSession).getObjectMessageList();
3783            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3784            {
3785                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " object messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3786            }
3787            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3788            if(message.isAcknowledged())
3789            {
3790                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is acknowledged");
3791            }
3792        }
3794        /**
3795         * Verifies the number of messages created with
3796         * {@link MockSession#createMessage}.
3797         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
3798         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3799         * @param number the expected number of messages
3800         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3801         */
3802        public void verifyNumberOfCreatedMessages(int indexOfSession, int number)
3803        {
3804            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3805            if(number != getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMessageList().size())
3806            {
3807                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " messages, received " + getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMessageList().size() + " messages");
3808            }
3809        }
3811        /**
3812         * Verifies the number of bytes messages created with
3813         * {@link MockSession#createBytesMessage}.
3814         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
3815         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3816         * @param number the expected number of bytes messages
3817         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3818         */
3819        public void verifyNumberOfCreatedBytesMessages(int indexOfSession, int number)
3820        {
3821            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3822            if(number != getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getBytesMessageList().size())
3823            {
3824                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " bytes messages, received " + getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getBytesMessageList().size() + " bytes messages");
3825            }
3826        }
3828        /**
3829         * Verifies the number of map messages created with
3830         * {@link MockSession#createMapMessage}.
3831         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
3832         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3833         * @param number the expected number of map messages
3834         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3835         */
3836        public void verifyNumberOfCreatedMapMessages(int indexOfSession, int number)
3837        {
3838            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3839            if(number != getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMapMessageList().size())
3840            {
3841                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " map messages, received " + getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMapMessageList().size() + " map messages");
3842            }
3843        }
3845        /**
3846         * Verifies the number of text messages created with
3847         * {@link MockSession#createTextMessage}.
3848         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
3849         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3850         * @param number the expected number of text messages
3851         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3852         */
3853        public void verifyNumberOfCreatedTextMessages(int indexOfSession, int number)
3854        {
3855            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3856            if(number != getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getTextMessageList().size())
3857            {
3858                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " text messages, received " + getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getTextMessageList().size() + " text messages");
3859            }
3860        }
3862        /**
3863         * Verifies the number of stream messages created with
3864         * {@link MockSession#createStreamMessage}.
3865         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
3866         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3867         * @param number the expected number of stream messages
3868         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3869         */
3870        public void verifyNumberOfCreatedStreamMessages(int indexOfSession, int number)
3871        {
3872            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3873            if(number != getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getStreamMessageList().size())
3874            {
3875                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " stream messages, received " + getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getStreamMessageList().size() + " stream messages");
3876            }
3877        }
3879        /**
3880         * Verifies the number of object messages created with
3881         * {@link MockSession#createObjectMessage}.
3882         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
3883         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3884         * @param number the expected number of object messages
3885         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3886         */
3887        public void verifyNumberOfCreatedObjectMessages(int indexOfSession, int number)
3888        {
3889            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3890            if(number != getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getObjectMessageList().size())
3891            {
3892                throw new VerifyFailedException("Expected " + number + " object messages, received " + getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getObjectMessageList().size() + " object messages");
3893            }
3894        }
3896        /**
3897         * Verifies that a message created with {@link MockSession#createMessage} 
3898         * is acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
3899         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
3900         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
3901         * the created message.
3902         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
3903         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3904         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
3905         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3906         */
3907        public void verifyCreatedMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
3908        {
3909            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3910            List messageList = getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMessageList();
3911            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3912            {
3913                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3914            }
3915            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3916            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
3917            {
3918                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is not acknowledged");
3919            }
3920        }
3922        /**
3923         * Verifies that a message created with {@link MockSession#createMessage} 
3924         * is not acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
3925         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
3926         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
3927         * the created message.
3928         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
3929         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3930         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
3931         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3932         */
3933        public void verifyCreatedMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
3934        {
3935            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3936            List messageList = getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMessageList();
3937            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3938            {
3939                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3940            }
3941            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3942            if(message.isAcknowledged())
3943            {
3944                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is acknowledged");
3945            }
3946        }
3948        /**
3949         * Verifies that a bytes message created with {@link MockSession#createMessage} 
3950         * is acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
3951         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
3952         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
3953         * the created message.
3954         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
3955         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3956         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
3957         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3958         */
3959        public void verifyCreatedBytesMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
3960        {
3961            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3962            List messageList = getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getBytesMessageList();
3963            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3964            {
3965                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " bytes messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3966            }
3967            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3968            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
3969            {
3970                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is not acknowledged");
3971            }
3972        }
3974        /**
3975         * Verifies that a bytes message created with {@link MockSession#createMessage} 
3976         * is not acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
3977         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
3978         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
3979         * the created message.
3980         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
3981         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
3982         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
3983         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
3984         */
3985        public void verifyCreatedBytesMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
3986        {
3987            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
3988            List messageList = getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getBytesMessageList();
3989            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
3990            {
3991                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " bytes messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
3992            }
3993            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
3994            if(message.isAcknowledged())
3995            {
3996                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is acknowledged");
3997            }
3998        }
4000        /**
4001         * Verifies that a map message created with {@link MockSession#createMessage} 
4002         * is acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
4003         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
4004         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
4005         * the created message.
4006         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
4007         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
4008         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
4009         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
4010         */
4011        public void verifyCreatedMapMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
4012        {
4013            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
4014            List messageList = getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMapMessageList();
4015            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
4016            {
4017                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " map messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
4018            }
4019            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
4020            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
4021            {
4022                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is not acknowledged");
4023            }
4024        }
4026        /**
4027         * Verifies that a map message created with {@link MockSession#createMessage} 
4028         * is not acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
4029         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
4030         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
4031         * the created message.
4032         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
4033         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
4034         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
4035         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
4036         */
4037        public void verifyCreatedMapMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
4038        {
4039            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
4040            List messageList = getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getMapMessageList();
4041            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
4042            {
4043                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " map messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
4044            }
4045            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
4046            if(message.isAcknowledged())
4047            {
4048                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is acknowledged");
4049            }
4050        }
4052        /**
4053         * Verifies that a text message created with {@link MockSession#createMessage} 
4054         * is acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
4055         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
4056         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
4057         * the created message.
4058         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
4059         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
4060         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
4061         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
4062         */
4063        public void verifyCreatedTextMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
4064        {
4065            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
4066            List messageList = getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getTextMessageList();
4067            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
4068            {
4069                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " text messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
4070            }
4071            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
4072            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
4073            {
4074                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is not acknowledged");
4075            }
4076        }
4078        /**
4079         * Verifies that a text message created with {@link MockSession#createMessage} 
4080         * is not acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
4081         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
4082         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
4083         * the created message.
4084         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
4085         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
4086         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
4087         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
4088         */
4089        public void verifyCreatedTextMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
4090        {
4091            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
4092            List messageList = getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getTextMessageList();
4093            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
4094            {
4095                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " text messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
4096            }
4097            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
4098            if(message.isAcknowledged())
4099            {
4100                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is acknowledged");
4101            }
4102        }
4104        /**
4105         * Verifies that a stream message created with {@link MockSession#createMessage} 
4106         * is acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
4107         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
4108         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
4109         * the created message.
4110         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
4111         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
4112         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
4113         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
4114         */
4115        public void verifyCreatedStreamMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
4116        {
4117            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
4118            List messageList = getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getStreamMessageList();
4119            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
4120            {
4121                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " stream messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
4122            }
4123            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
4124            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
4125            {
4126                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is not acknowledged");
4127            }
4128        }
4130        /**
4131         * Verifies that a stream message created with {@link MockSession#createMessage} 
4132         * is not acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
4133         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
4134         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
4135         * the created message.
4136         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
4137         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
4138         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
4139         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
4140         */
4141        public void verifyCreatedStreamMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
4142        {
4143            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
4144            List messageList = getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getStreamMessageList();
4145            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
4146            {
4147                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " stream messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
4148            }
4149            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
4150            if(message.isAcknowledged())
4151            {
4152                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is acknowledged");
4153            }
4154        }
4156        /**
4157         * Verifies that a object message created with {@link MockSession#createMessage} 
4158         * is acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
4159         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
4160         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
4161         * the created message.
4162         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
4163         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
4164         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
4165         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
4166         */
4167        public void verifyCreatedObjectMessageAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
4168        {
4169            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
4170            List messageList = getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getObjectMessageList();
4171            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
4172            {
4173                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " object messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
4174            }
4175            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
4176            if(!message.isAcknowledged())
4177            {
4178                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is not acknowledged");
4179            }
4180        }
4182        /**
4183         * Verifies that a object message created with {@link MockSession#createMessage} 
4184         * is not acknowledged. This method makes sense if messages are not cloned
4185         * when sending them. This is the default, use {@link ConfigurationManager#setDoCloneOnSend}.
4186         * If messages are cloned, the cloned message is acknowledged instead of
4187         * the created message.
4188         * The session has to be created using the current {@link MockConnection}.
4189         * @param indexOfSession the index of the session
4190         * @param indexOfMessage the index of the message
4191         * @throws VerifyFailedException if verification fails
4192         */
4193        public void verifyCreatedObjectMessageNotAcknowledged(int indexOfSession, int indexOfMessage)
4194        {
4195            checkAndGetSessionByIndex(indexOfSession);
4196            List messageList = getMessageManager(indexOfSession).getObjectMessageList();
4197            if(indexOfMessage >= messageList.size())
4198            {
4199                throw new VerifyFailedException("Only " + messageList.size() + " object messages created for session " + indexOfSession);
4200            }
4201            MockMessage message = (MockMessage)messageList.get(indexOfMessage);
4202            if(message.isAcknowledged())
4203            {
4204                throw new VerifyFailedException("Message " + indexOfMessage + " of session " + indexOfSession + " is acknowledged");
4205            }
4206        }
4208        private MockQueueSession checkAndGetQueueSessionByIndex(int indexOfSession)
4209        {
4210            if(null == getCurrentQueueConnection())
4211            {
4212                throw new VerifyFailedException("No QueueConnection present.");
4213            }
4214            MockQueueSession session = getQueueSession(indexOfSession);
4215            if(null == session)
4216            {
4217                throw new VerifyFailedException("QueueSession with index " + indexOfSession + " does not exist.");
4218            }
4219            return session;
4220        }
4222        private MockTopicSession checkAndGetTopicSessionByIndex(int indexOfSession)
4223        {
4224            if(null == getCurrentTopicConnection())
4225            {
4226                throw new VerifyFailedException("No TopicConnection present.");
4227            }
4228            MockTopicSession session = getTopicSession(indexOfSession);
4229            if(null == session)
4230            {
4231                throw new VerifyFailedException("TopicSession with index " + indexOfSession + " does not exist.");
4232            }
4233            return session;
4234        }
4236        private MockSession checkAndGetSessionByIndex(int indexOfSession)
4237        {
4238            if(null == getCurrentConnection())
4239            {
4240                throw new VerifyFailedException("No Connection present.");
4241            }
4242            MockSession session = getSession(indexOfSession);
4243            if(null == session)
4244            {
4245                throw new VerifyFailedException("Session with index " + indexOfSession + " does not exist.");
4246            }
4247            return session;
4248        }
4250        private void checkQueueByName(String queueName)
4251        {
4252            DestinationManager destinationManager = getDestinationManager();
4253            if(null == destinationManager.getQueue(queueName))
4254            {
4255                throw new VerifyFailedException("Queue with name " + queueName + " is not present.");
4256            }
4257        }
4259        private void checkTopicByName(String topicName)
4260        {
4261            DestinationManager destinationManager = getDestinationManager();
4262            if(null == destinationManager.getTopic(topicName))
4263            {
4264                throw new VerifyFailedException("Topic with name " + topicName + " is not present.");
4265            }
4266        }
4267    }