Package com.mockrunner.mock.jdbc

Class Summary
JDBCMockObjectFactory Used to create all types of JDBC mock objects.
MockArray Mock implementation of Array.
MockBlob Mock implementation of Blob.
MockCallableStatement Mock implementation of CallableStatement.
MockClob Mock implementation of Clob.
MockConnection Mock implementation of Connection.
MockDatabaseMetaData Mock implementation of DatabaseMetaData.
MockDataSource Mock implementation of DataSource.
MockDriver Mock implementation of a JDBC Driver.
MockNClob Mock implementation of NClob.
MockParameterMetaData Mock implementation of ParameterMetaData.
MockPreparedStatement Mock implementation of PreparedStatement.
MockRef Mock implementation of Ref.
MockResultSet Mock implementation of ResultSet.
MockResultSetMetaData Mock implementation of ResultSetMetaData.
MockRowId Mock implementation of RowId.
MockSavepoint Mock implementation of Savepoint.
MockSQLXML Mock implementation of MockSQLXML.
MockStatement Mock implementation of Statement.
MockStruct Mock implementation of Struct.
PolyResultSet Contains a list of ResultSet objects where the next() method iterates through all ResultSet objects in the list.