Package com.mockrunner.mock.web

Interface Summary

Class Summary
ActionMockObjectFactory Used to create all types of struts mock objects.
JasperJspFactory This implementation of JspFactory provides full support of the Unified Expression Language API.
MockActionForward Mock implementation of ActionForward.
MockActionMapping Mock implementation of ActionMapping.
MockActionServlet This mock version of the Struts ActionServlet is necessary, because some Struts methods use it to get the ServletContext and other things.
MockBodyContent Mock implementation of BodyContent.
MockExpression Mock implementation of Expression.
MockExpressionEvaluator Mock implementation of ExpressionEvaluator.
MockFilterChain Mock implementation of FilterChain.
MockFilterConfig Mock implementation of FilterConfig.
MockForwardConfig Mock implementation of ForwardConfig.
MockFunctionMapper Mock implementation of FunctionMapper.
MockHttpServletRequest Mock implementation of HttpServletRequest.
MockHttpServletResponse Mock implementation of HttpServletResponse.
MockHttpSession Mock implementation of HttpSession.
MockJspEngineInfo Mock implementation of JspEngineInfo.
MockJspFactory Mock implementation of JspFactory.
MockJspFragment Mock implementation of JspFragment.
MockJspWriter Mock implementation of JspWriter.
MockModuleConfig Mock implementation of ModuleConfig.
MockPageContext Mock implementation of PageContext.
MockRequestDispatcher Mock implementation of RequestDispatcher.
MockServletConfig Mock implementation of ServletConfig.
MockServletContext Mock implementation of ServletContext.
MockServletInputStream Mock implementation of ServletInputStream.
MockServletOutputStream Mock implementation of ServletOutputStream.
MockSessionContext Mock implementation of HttpSessionContext.
MockUserPrincipal Mock implementation of Principal.
MockVariableResolver Mock implementation of VariableResolver.
WebMockObjectFactory Used to create all types of web mock objects.